Yeah, this is fair.

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Yeah, this is fair.

Post by filthy2 »

Let's see dollar too high, sales down.

Sack 1000 workers.

But still find enough $ to pay the execs millions on bonuses for losing money and market share. 15% of operating cash flow.

I can see how that is fair. :roll: ... 6119977593
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Re: Yeah, this is fair.

Post by swoodley »

I'm not sure these people have ever heard of the concept of "fair" Filth.

This is just another example of how out of touch a lot of people get when they get to the heady heights where they can reward themselves.

Eg: all the bankers in the US who were getting massive bonuses whilst the economy collapsed around them....and they're at it again now.
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Re: Yeah, this is fair.

Post by Sismis »

I think Jon Stewart's segment on the last show before the break said it all. If the bottom half of the US society gave half of everything they had, they would contribute 700 bil. If the top half gave 2% more in taxes they would make the same. Yet which way are the US going?

I find it amazing that conservative republicans like to pretend they have Christian ideals. I don't believe in the popular concept of a Dante's Inferno type Hell but honestly at times like this, I hope it exists.
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Re: Yeah, this is fair.

Post by pevfan »

And yet, there, as here, the working class will, in all liklihood vote the neo-cons back in at the next election...never ceases to amaze me. :( :( :( :(
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Re: Yeah, this is fair.

Post by little_ripper »

so filth are you saying that the CEO should have sacked the workers sooner?(if sales are down then perhaps he should have.....) I would say they might have held off hoping for conditions to improve.

BHP have announced they will take on all the bluescope workers effected if they are prepared to move to where the work is. Bluescope will just have to import more labour if conditions improve I guess.

the sustained high dollar, brought on by higher(comparative) interest rates to the rest of the world is bringing about a pretty significant structural change in the Oz economy.

personally I think we might be headed for recession, with or without government intervention.

Its a real shame for Gillards Labor, as I actually think they are doing a very good job, she is one fearless leader, coping under immense stress.(i approve of most of their major(newsworthy) policies - carbon/mining tax/nbn/boat people solution etc).
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Re: Yeah, this is fair.

Post by Sismis »

pevfan wrote:And yet, there, as here, the working class will, in all liklihood vote the neo-cons back in at the next election...never ceases to amaze me. :( :( :( :(
Spot on. :(
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Re: Yeah, this is fair.

Post by little_ripper »

Sismis wrote:
pevfan wrote:And yet, there, as here, the working class will, in all liklihood vote the neo-cons back in at the next election...never ceases to amaze me. :( :( :( :(
Spot on. :(
working class people, by in large are hocked to the eyeballs in debt(thanks to mega mortgages, or high rents take your pick). so the number one priority for most people is to see interest rates low(as it effects the amount of disposable income left over).

gillard really needs to get her two big taxes through to put the brakes on the mining sector if she has got any chance of doing that.

cutting government spending(like the coalition is suggesting) is something easy to say from opposition, harder to do in government, because it may lead to higher unemployment in the non mining states.
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Re: Yeah, this is fair.

Post by boncer34 »

Stupid Carbon taxes wasting jobs.

Sorry I just couldn't resist Filth. :lol:
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