Truly concerned

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Truly concerned

Post by filthy2 »

I know we have a lively but hopefully civilised political debate herein but in for the 1st time I am really, really worried we will see our first political asassaniation in our country. The closest we have seen was Arthur Calwell being blasted by a right wing nutter with a shotty in the 60's.

In recent times we have seen those wackers in front of Parliament stirred up by rAbbot and the shock jocks going apeshit and also out the front of Albanese's office in Sydney were he was shoved around a bit.

Last night we had the disturbing signs of this from the hard Left who accosted Bowen at a presser in Sydney with such hatred, spiting and front of his kids and wife.

Not on.

It won't take much for some nutter with a illegal pistol or sawn off, egged on by a Jones, to blow away one of Pollies in the current climate which in my IMHO is worse than 75.

God help Australia if that happens. :(
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Re: Truly concerned

Post by BenDoolan »

Wasn't Donald McKay our first political assassination?

Re: Truly concerned

Post by filthy2 »

I think you will find he was a Country (now National) Party Apparachik Ben, who was a anti-drugs campaigner in Little Sicily, Griffith and was knocked by the Mafia. :(
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Re: Truly concerned

Post by rockhole »

Wasn't Rudd stabbed in the back??
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Re: Truly concerned

Post by billyduckworth »

:D :D :D

Love your work, Rocky.

Re: Truly concerned

Post by filthy2 »

And here I was trying to have a serious discussion about the extreme divisiveness in our community continually getting more and more violent :roll:

And now I will have to talk about the Rodent, Peacock, The Rodent, the Peacock, then Hewson, then Shirley :roll: :lol: , then back to the Rodent who then not only lost the 07 election but his seat (shhhhhhhhhhhhh), then Nelson , then unfortunate Turnbull and now rAbbot........all of whom had/have knives sticking out their backs.

Rudd didn't even go to a Caucus vote. He didn't have the numbers. The PM was elected unaminously by her Party. She won an election 50.5 - 49.5 by negotiating with a several entities, something rAbbot couldn't do despite offering his arse.

Tony Windsor said this week:

In an interview with The Saturday Age, the member for New England, Tony Windsor, has accused the Opposition Leader of aiding and abetting a ''nasty, vitriolic edge'' in Australian politics and ''almost hoping that the country collapses''.

Mr Windsor was also blunt on whether he might eventually switch to support an Abbott-led Coalition government.

''I wouldn't participate in this Parliament in imposing [Tony Abbott] on the Australian people as Prime Minister,'' he said.

Read more: ... z1YHEJjqYY

Despit this over 190 Bills have been passed in a hung Parliament in a year...despite the worst efforts of rAbbott/Murdoch/Jones, no, no, no, no, no......

It is 2 years.....over 2 years....until the ain't even half time. We will see what we see...hopefully no pollie with hole in his/herr head. :|

Oh and BTW rAbbot is a rabid dog.
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Re: Truly concerned

Post by rockhole »

Was this post about potential political violence or a bit of Abbott headkicking.??

Jokes aside, it is starting to get a bit volatile, but I reckon we are a long way from actual violence. There was more potential for violence during the Patrick Stevedore punch up.
Too far for Baker now he's on to it, now he’s got it, OPEN GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Dons are in front by one point at the 8 minute mark

Re: Truly concerned

Post by filthy2 »

Was it you or me that spoke about knifing Rudd in the back or me?

I was looking for a bi-partisan concern for the possibility of violence to occur in our nation because of the nature of the politics of our nation in the last 12 months.....not started by PRIME MINISTER Gillard.

If you had bothered to read the Saturday Age interview with Tony Windsor you would have noted:

"You know,'' says Windsor, ''I've had a number of death threats and some of those are being investigated by the police and those sorts of things. But more important than that sort of personal edge to it, I think the sort of importation of some of the American-style politics and tactics into this country is probably the biggest negative of the last 12 months.

"There is a real nasty, vitriolic edge that's crept in - particularly into the right wing of politics in this country, and I think Tony Abbott has sort of aided and abetted that to a certain degree.

Read more: ... z1YIOOMOHD

Do you think those threats have come from the Centre Left or the Greens? :roll:
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Re: Truly concerned

Post by BERT »

Why is it more often when the left protest it ends up in violence? The G20 summit in Melbourne. The nice people were rolling ballbearings at police horses. The one when the unions smashed into parliament house, That was a great one. The anti Hanson protests.

I can't remember a protest from the right that has got violent. If there has been one please let me know.

To blame Abbott is just wrong. Windsor knows his electorate is waiting for him with baseball bats next election. I wonder how many threats have been made against Abbott and Gillard. Any threat made is just wrong.
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Re: Truly concerned

Post by dom_105 »

We have an unpopular Government headed by an unpopular leader, trying to implement an unpopular policy without a mandate. Are we at all surprised that there is dissent amongst both the fringe and mainstream elements of over half of the voting public?

It's Workchoices Redux. Death threats and nastiness is not simply the domain of the right.

Windsor's come out of the wilderness and gained national prominence. Laboured with a responsibility that he never asked for, made a decision that he stands by, probably feels aggrieved that a significant amount of people don't share his view on a number of issues. Ditto Oakeshott. I'd be surprised if they were not getting death threats.

He's even blaming Abbott for Gillard's failings (re: Asylum Seekers). Shit, she's her own woman. She's not afraid to make unpopular decisions. The "lurch to the right" was her decision, not Abbott's.
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Re: Truly concerned

Post by tonysoprano »

dom_105 wrote:...trying to implement many unpopular policies....
sorry dom - just had to edit the only bit I kind of disagreed with!
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Re: Truly concerned

Post by j-mac31 »

BERT wrote:Why is it more often when the left protest it ends up in violence? The G20 summit in Melbourne. The nice people were rolling ballbearings at police horses. The one when the unions smashed into parliament house, That was a great one. The anti Hanson protests.

FWIW I don't think we'll get a political assassination. We don't kill each other to anywhere near the same extent as the yanks in general and I suspect most, if not all death threats are from anonymous heroes who are too stupid to have a logical discussion on anything. Or from Altona.
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Re: Truly concerned

Post by pevfan »

I think you'll find a bloke by the name of John Newman,(Sadly not the one we all hate and loathe) a NSW labor MP was this country's first political assassination back in the 70's Filth. I see there's a new book out now about it....Called A Political Assassination...I think
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