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Can't add up!

Post by filthy2 »

THE federal Coalition's economic credibility has been dealt a blow after a tribunal found that two accountants who costed its 2010 election policies had breached professional standards.

The ruling is an embarrassment to shadow treasurer Joe Hockey, who wrongly insisted during the campaign that the accountants' policy costings had been audited.

Read more: ... z1fDkXDZBj

Arfur Daly Used Car Motor's 2 best salesmen; Sloppy Joe Hockey and Andrew "Mr Personality" Robb. :roll: :lol:
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by Rossoneri »

Lol, credibility? Like the Labor party has any either.
De-sal plant
No Carbon Tax
"we'll stop the boats"
the FAILED Malaysian solution. Does the ALP lose of legal credibility with this one?
He kicks on the left
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by Gimps »


... and every other party.....

all = SHIT

They all lie, they all make mistakes, they're all arseholes.. ZERO credibility
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by Sismis »

Gimps wrote:Labour

... and every other party.....

all = SHIT

They all lie, they all make mistakes, they're all arseholes.. ZERO credibility
I 'm looking forward to voting Gimp Party next election.
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by BERT »

Sismis wrote:
Gimps wrote:Labour

... and every other party.....

all = SHIT

They all lie, they all make mistakes, they're all arseholes.. ZERO credibility
I 'm looking forward to voting Gimp Party next election.

If he promises to stop stupid baby names and have a Australian wide beer glass standard IE if you order a pot in Melbourne, Adelaide or Perth you get the same size glass, I'll vote for him.
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by Gimps »

Bert, I'm all for what you have suggested above. One glass would be GOLD. And stupid baby names are definitely on my agenda. My godson was given the name Kal-el (Superman's name on the planet Krypton) - it shits me to tears!

I'm not sure if I told you guys that I was head-hunted by the Labour Party? They made me a member of the Young Labour Party and then I was flown to Canberra on a mini-scholarship to visit Parliament, High Court etc. Met most of the Pollies up there, including Howard & Beazley. Front table at the Press Club and all that jazz.

I was being groomed for a career in politics. But, after that trip to Canberra, I was soon turned off.

Although we shouldn't be telling people who our alliances are with, I am on the same side as Filthy. But, I don't believe they are any/ much better than anyone else.
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by jimmyc1985 »

Geez, tough to spot the agenda here :roll:.

Obviously the Labor PR machine was sent on a mission to distract criticism from their recently released mini-budget, which showed a $40bn turnaround in the budget so that it can still be claimed the budget will be back in surplus by 2012-2013. I wouldn't wipe my arse with that mini-budget, aside from it adding to the growing volume of evidence that the public service is not apolitical as it should be.
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by Gimps »

jimmyc1985 wrote:Geez, tough to spot the agenda here :roll:.

Obviously the Labor PR machine was sent on a mission to distract criticism from their recently released mini-budget, which showed a $40bn turnaround in the budget so that it can still be claimed the budget will be back in surplus by 2012-2013. I wouldn't wipe my arse with that mini-budget, aside from it adding to the growing volume of evidence that the public service is not apolitical as it should be.
Ah, something we agree on.
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by Carl fighter »


good effort getting headhunted by the labour party?? may i ask what position you were in before they head hunted you??

Ive always wondered how in politics what job/expierance you need to have before you are head hunted....

You must have been involved in running some programs/campaign with your local council i presume?

Alternatively did you just go to a party one night and shared a pipe with Morpheus, Yoda and the oracle and they categorically agreed, that you are the one.
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by Gimps »

Carl fighter wrote:Gimps,

good effort getting headhunted by the labour party?? may i ask what position you were in before they head hunted you??

Ive always wondered how in politics what job/expierance you need to have before you are head hunted....

You must have been involved in running some programs/campaign with your local council i presume?

Alternatively did you just go to a party one night and shared a pipe with Morpheus, Yoda and the oracle and they categorically agreed, that you are the one.
Did a few programs through the local council and Rotary. Impressed there, local member put my name forward. Then I received phone call after phone call, and got offered the scholarship (to go to Canberra). They said that they would open up a position for me when I finished high school if I wanted to pursue it. I said no. End of story.
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by Carl fighter »

Nice Gimps.

Gee, imagine you took the role.... you could be challenging Gillard for the main job by now... you never know... you obviously have endless talent.

So what did you think of Beazley? Why did you meet Howard? I guess howard wanted to know what he could be up agaisnt in the future... Know your enemy i guess....

Did you meet Bob Katter? Barnaby Joyce?? Wilson Tuckey?? Could have been an fairly interesting conversation right there...

I gave up an electrical apprenticeship when i was young and always wondered... but this is a much grander scale.
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by Gimps »

Carl fighter wrote:Nice Gimps.

Gee, imagine you took the role.... you could be challenging Gillard for the main job by now... you never know... you obviously have endless talent.

So what did you think of Beazley? Why did you meet Howard? I guess howard wanted to know what he could be up agaisnt in the future... Know your enemy i guess....

Did you meet Bob Katter? Barnaby Joyce?? Wilson Tuckey?? Could have been an fairly interesting conversation right there...

I gave up an electrical apprenticeship when i was young and always wondered... but this is a much grander scale.
Only met Howard in passing. Went to shake his hand, stuck the mit out, he looked at it, and kept walking. Wanker.

Big Kim was a great bloke. Not the most gifted bloke out there, but was genuine.

Didn't get to meet Katter, Joyce or Tuckey. But, would've needed a labotomy to be seen as "one of the boys".

The old electrical apprenticeship - what did you end up doing? I would imagine something like a Recruiter - can see you recruiting people for jobs, cos you don't have the talent to get a decent job yourself..
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by gringo »

Gimps wrote:
Carl fighter wrote:Nice Gimps.

Gee, imagine you took the role.... you could be challenging Gillard for the main job by now... you never know... you obviously have endless talent.

So what did you think of Beazley? Why did you meet Howard? I guess howard wanted to know what he could be up agaisnt in the future... Know your enemy i guess....

Did you meet Bob Katter? Barnaby Joyce?? Wilson Tuckey?? Could have been an fairly interesting conversation right there...

I gave up an electrical apprenticeship when i was young and always wondered... but this is a much grander scale.
Only met Howard in passing. Went to shake his hand, stuck the mit out, he looked at it, and kept walking. Wanker.

Big Kim was a great bloke. Not the most gifted bloke out there, but was genuine.

Didn't get to meet Katter, Joyce or Tuckey. But, would've needed a labotomy to be seen as "one of the boys".

The old electrical apprenticeship - what did you end up doing? I would imagine something like a Recruiter - can see you recruiting people for jobs, cos you don't have the talent to get a decent job yourself..
Not the most gifted???? He didn't do too badly, if you consider a Rhodes scholarship an indication. The bloke had a brain the size of a planet. He would have made a brilliant PM in my view. One of the great shames of recent federal politics that he didn't get a crack at the main job.
Like sand through the hour glass, so are the days at the Essendon Football Club.
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by Carl fighter »

Yep i gave up the apprenticeship. Went travelling instead to europe for a few years, came back and now i just do basic law clerk stuff.... classic 40k a year and do other odd jobs to make up some more money.... you know the whole work to live sort of thing.

Just a bit of a drifter myself, like that i can go to work, no responsibility and no stress....

What do you gimps? I've only picked up on the last few comments, obviously you must be doing ok. I'm presuming you must be upper management by now, going on your credentials.... i'll send you my resume, if you can handle someone wasting your companies time...

Back to Canberra, i'm fascinated.... Did you sit in on question time? Did you make a maiden speech? Did you hiss at other politicians or jeer them when they started talking??

Ohh did you meet Tony Abbot ? Did he just dissagree with every idea you had as he does with every other politician?

I know you must have only been 17 or so... but did you think about any reforms you could have introduced... you were young but Wyatt Roy is now elected at 20... and i imagine you at 17 would have had some tremendous ideas....

Really shame you rejected the advances of Canberra... we need clear thinking people in government.... you never know but you could have made a huge differance....

I'm always looking for new ideas so if you do want to have another shot at it, i''d happily offer to be your Campaign Manager... PM me if your interested...
My Dad runs a sticker factory so we could get some good signs made up... . he offered me a apprentice printing job there too, but i didnt want the pressure of taking on my old mans empire when he dies....
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by Gimps »

gringo wrote:
Gimps wrote:
Carl fighter wrote:Nice Gimps.

Gee, imagine you took the role.... you could be challenging Gillard for the main job by now... you never know... you obviously have endless talent.

So what did you think of Beazley? Why did you meet Howard? I guess howard wanted to know what he could be up agaisnt in the future... Know your enemy i guess....

Did you meet Bob Katter? Barnaby Joyce?? Wilson Tuckey?? Could have been an fairly interesting conversation right there...

I gave up an electrical apprenticeship when i was young and always wondered... but this is a much grander scale.
Only met Howard in passing. Went to shake his hand, stuck the mit out, he looked at it, and kept walking. Wanker.

Big Kim was a great bloke. Not the most gifted bloke out there, but was genuine.

Didn't get to meet Katter, Joyce or Tuckey. But, would've needed a labotomy to be seen as "one of the boys".

The old electrical apprenticeship - what did you end up doing? I would imagine something like a Recruiter - can see you recruiting people for jobs, cos you don't have the talent to get a decent job yourself..
Not the most gifted???? He didn't do too badly, if you consider a Rhodes scholarship an indication. The bloke had a brain the size of a planet. He would have made a brilliant PM in my view. One of the great shames of recent federal politics that he didn't get a crack at the main job.
I meant not the most gifted from a political point of view.. didn't quite gain the respect of the nation.. many just thought of him as the jolly fat man that was hard-nosed enough to lead the country.

I agree, I think he would've been a great PM.
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by Gimps »

Carl fighter wrote:Yep i gave up the apprenticeship. Went travelling instead to europe for a few years, came back and now i just do basic law clerk stuff.... classic 40k a year and do other odd jobs to make up some more money.... you know the whole work to live sort of thing.

Just a bit of a drifter myself, like that i can go to work, no responsibility and no stress....

What do you gimps? I've only picked up on the last few comments, obviously you must be doing ok. I'm presuming you must be upper management by now, going on your credentials.... i'll send you my resume, if you can handle someone wasting your companies time...

Back to Canberra, i'm fascinated.... Did you sit in on question time? Did you make a maiden speech? Did you hiss at other politicians or jeer them when they started talking??

Ohh did you meet Tony Abbot ? Did he just dissagree with every idea you had as he does with every other politician?

I know you must have only been 17 or so... but did you think about any reforms you could have introduced... you were young but Wyatt Roy is now elected at 20... and i imagine you at 17 would have had some tremendous ideas....

Really shame you rejected the advances of Canberra... we need clear thinking people in government.... you never know but you could have made a huge differance....

I'm always looking for new ideas so if you do want to have another shot at it, i''d happily offer to be your Campaign Manager... PM me if your interested...
My Dad runs a sticker factory so we could get some good signs made up... . he offered me a apprentice printing job there too, but i didnt want the pressure of taking on my old mans empire when he dies....
Yeah, I did the travelling in Europe too.. good times.

Please let us know what these other odd jobs are? A bit of light knob polishing for spare change?

I do ok. I've got a cruisey job with ANL down at the Wharf. Play dominoes with containers.
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by BenDoolan »

Gimps wrote:
Carl fighter wrote:Nice Gimps.

Gee, imagine you took the role.... you could be challenging Gillard for the main job by now... you never know... you obviously have endless talent.

So what did you think of Beazley? Why did you meet Howard? I guess howard wanted to know what he could be up agaisnt in the future... Know your enemy i guess....

Did you meet Bob Katter? Barnaby Joyce?? Wilson Tuckey?? Could have been an fairly interesting conversation right there...

I gave up an electrical apprenticeship when i was young and always wondered... but this is a much grander scale.
Only met Howard in passing. Went to shake his hand, stuck the mit out, he looked at it, and kept walking. Wanker.
Should've done the Mark Latham thing....... :lol:
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by Carl fighter »

Odds jobs being Plastering, Rendering help with a mate.... when i can on a saturday usually...

Looking at going back to Uni next year, maybe in something like Political science or Public Relations.... (COULD BE A REAL ASSET TO YOUR CAMPAIGN)

dont know really, not that interested in a career, but i am happy to be part of an succesful campaign.... could even write a few speeches...

speaking of the campaign... maybe we should get the guy from your lions club who reccomended you to the labour join us... could be a shadow treasurer... theyve always been good with Raffles and fundraisers...

We could even get Beazley on board as an consultant... we just do opposite to whatever he suggests....

the opportunities are endless.
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by robbie67 »

Dont like Canberra Gimps? Bit close to the Embassy of Israel for you?
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Re: Can't add up!

Post by Gimps »

robbie67 wrote:Dont like Canberra Gimps? Bit close to the Embassy of Israel for you?
Less likely to run into that kind up there mate ;-)
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