Australian roads owned by truck drivers...

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Australian roads owned by truck drivers...

Post by Piaffe »

I’d like to know when the laws changed to sign the whole of Australian roads over to truck drivers. The lack of respect that roads are shared by cars, motorbikes, and push bikes has gone on for far too long now. Do they not realize they have the lives of other people in their hands when they do foolish things on our roads? They ignore road warnings, which have become ever clearer with the recent incident at the rail crossing. They speed above 100 k/h on freeways, not to mention while in close proximity to other vehicles. They overtake each other, cutting others off in the process. They take up both lanes of two lane roads, when really they are slow moving and should stay in the left lane. They drive way too close behind other vehicles; tale gating isn’t legal but only for trucks? Anyone who drivers I’m sure has had near misses with a truck, I know I’ve had at least two close calls, most recently entering a freeway two trucks, each in a lane but the truck in the fast lane must either have not seen me enter the freeway or had a blind spot and nearly merged into the slow lane on top of me, only missing me because the other truck driver was flashing his lights like crazy. My parents had an even closer call. Country road one lane each way, truck drivers were racing each other taking up both lanes. My parents driving along, had to go off the road to miss them but one truck flipped and hit my parents car ripping a whole in the roof while it flipped, only missing their heads and the rest of the car by milliseconds and millimeters. Only reason they are here today is because my father accelerated rather then braked, otherwise the car and my parents would have been under the truck. Australian truck drivers, and I know it’s not all of them but it sure is the majority, need to take a good hard look at themselves because in my eyes you’re a danger to the whole of Australia with your poor attitudes. I notice there is a crack down on those young guys with fast cars racing around the streets, might be an idea to take trucks of poor truck drivers who also ignore the road rules. I’m sure companies who own the trucks and need items delivered will realize quick smart they need to retrain and rehire their truck drivers to keep their businesses going. The Government and the police need a huge crack down, Australia should not put up with it any longer!

Now you might have noticed I’ve only said Australia, for two reasons. Who cares about the rest of the world, but also because I noticed this arrogance isn’t a problem in other countries. While on the roads in Europe and the US, I’ve driven in the USA also, truck drivers are amazing. They treat it as an actual profession and have standards they all adhere to. The main difference I noticed was they kept to lower speeds and were always in the left lanes, always, even in the USA when there were 4 lanes to pick from! I’m not saying accidents don’t happen over there, but I believe the accidents that do happen over there are less due to poor truck driving!

But it starts with the rest of us who share these roads, we need to stand up and say NO if you want to share this road with us, you need to respect the fact you’re 5 times bigger and have our lives in your hands behind that wheel.
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Post by BenDoolan »

Whilst I agree with the sentiments of your post, car drivers and motor cyclists are equally as idiotic on the roads. I understand that they will not (themselves) cause the sort of carnage that a 36 wheel semi will cause, however, stupid motorists can cause a semi to lose control through their own idiocy and dangerous diving.

There is legislation in place for companies to ensure they provide a safe workplace, and without risks to health. Trucks are a deemed workplace, and companies are obligated to ensure it is safe and that the conduct of the driver must be safety conscious. Where I get filthy is when the Victorian WorkCover Authority (VWA) or any other State authority, do not appear to come down hard with their powers to prosecute companies. How many years do we have to endure unrealistic time frames (and the threat of dismissal) which causes the following factors;
• Speed
• Risk taking
• Substance abuse
• Fatigue

Which leads to
• Carnage
• Catastrophe
• Multiple deaths

I am far removed from the industry, but I suspect the unions are far too powerful in their obstruction of proper investigation by relevant authorities to identify dangerous conduct of some companies.

I agree that the Government must act to remove trucks from the right hand lanes of freeways. This is a MUST. I cannot understand why a truck needs to be in the right hand lane. Over 12 months ago a semi travelling in the right hand outbound lane of the Monash freeway crashed through the concrete barrier dividing the freeway. It caused the freeway to be closed in both directions. Had the truck not been in the right hand lane, the accident may not have been a severe as to close the entire network down.

The disaster that occurred in the Burnley tunnel a couple of months ago has seen a bizarre reaction from the authorities. They have now reduced the speed limit over the Westgate bridge to 80km and propose to eliminate lane changing within the tunnel. Would these changes have had any effect on the accident that occurred? The tunnel was already an 80km zone when the accident happened. The accident wasn’t caused by the truck changing lanes, but because the driver was (allegedly) on a mobile phone and was oblivious to all warning notices in the tunnel and traffic ahead of him.

Until rogue companies are forced to seriously consider their safety obligations and not put unrealistic expectations and pressure on their drivers, the dangerous conduct will continue to occur.
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Post by swoodley »

Another issue with truck drivers is that many are owner/operators and have to meet loan repayments, mortgage payments etc whilst getting comparitively low freight payments. As such, they may tend to work longer hours and skimp on scheduled maintenance.

My dad was a truckie and he was forever moaning about the stupidity of car drivers, especially in city traffic where they cut in front of trucks without realising the time/distance it takes for a truck to pull up.

IMO, I think blame rests across the broad spectrum of drivers, be they driving a car, truck or riding a motorbike.

There are plenty of good truck drivers but good drivers aren't noticed.
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Post by BenDoolan »

swoodley wrote:Another issue with truck drivers is that many are owner/operators and have to meet loan repayments, mortgage payments etc whilst getting comparitively low freight payments. As such, they may tend to work longer hours and skimp on scheduled maintenance.

My dad was a truckie and he was forever moaning about the stupidity of car drivers, especially in city traffic where they cut in front of trucks without realising the time/distance it takes for a truck to pull up.

IMO, I think blame rests across the broad spectrum of drivers, be they driving a car, truck or riding a motorbike.

There are plenty of good truck drivers but good drivers aren't noticed.
Absolutely spot on. I see it daily when idiots (in cars) cut in front of a semi just before traffic comes to a complete stop on the Westgate freeway in the rain! Some morons have no idea...

I'm aware of the problems that owner/operators are facing, but they are taking enormous risks when they push themselves beyond their limits.
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Post by The Man from Bomberland »

It goes both ways. There is a profound lack of respect shown by most drivers on the road. Even little things like leaving sufficient space between you and the car in front of you when at the traffic lights, it just doesn't seem to exist anymore. And I don't remember the last time I received a 'thank you' wave from another car when you let them in your lane. It may seem insignificant but courtesy goes a long way.
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Post by Jazz_84 »

oh steve ive found in brissy here lots of people give a courtesy wave, but your right some dont and it's disrespectful, i always give a quick wave as i know i like to receive the same in return.
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Post by BenDoolan »

The Man from Bomberland wrote:It goes both ways. There is a profound lack of respect shown by most drivers on the road. Even little things like leaving sufficient space between you and the car in front of you when at the traffic lights, it just doesn't seem to exist anymore. And I don't remember the last time I received a 'thank you' wave from another car when you let them in your lane. It may seem insignificant but courtesy goes a long way.
Yep, have to agree there. Inconsideration, impatience, and disrespect is the norm these days.

Don't know why bastards are too lazy in indicating when changing lanes either....happens a hell of a lot.
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Post by Jazz_84 »

BenDoolan wrote: Don't know why bastards are too lazy in indicating when changing lanes either....happens a hell of a lot.
that ill agree with, it's bullshit and dangerous especially when they do it quickly, in a bunched up scenario
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Post by Megan »

The road is chockers full of dickheads, the only reason you notice the truckies is because they're bigger and more noticible.

Steve, believe it or not down here it's the norm to acknowledge, you nearly never get ignored. Hell I wave thanks to cars who stop in carparks to let me cross on foot :lol: Then again tourists do say we are the most polite and friendliest state, go figure.
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Post by Piaffe »

Hell yeah car drivers are just as bad and stupid, no doubt about it, but car drivers seem to get cracked down upon more so then trucks, that's the issue I have. I don't care what you drive, drive safely if not for your own safety, for those around you or get the hell off the road. There are no excuses, NONE.

You could be the best driver in the world, doesn't matter at all when most the people around you are the ones who make it dangerous for you.

Respect has to go two ways for sure, but if that's going to happen we all have to drive under the same laws, and the truck drivers don't seem to come under the laws, they need cracking down on.

No one should get away with being a dangerous driver.
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Post by dom_105 »

I remember back when I was on my lerners I had a truck tailgate me on the Eastern one night, lights on full beam, scared the shit out of me.

Dont get me wrong, I meet truck drivers all the time, have a lot of time for them and they can be the nicest blokes, but it can be a few cowboys that f*** it up for everybody
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Post by BenDoolan »

dom_105 wrote:I remember back when I was on my lerners I had a truck tailgate me on the Eastern one night, lights on full beam, scared the shit out of me.

Dont get me wrong, I meet truck drivers all the time, have a lot of time for them and they can be the nicest blokes, but it can be a few cowboys that f*** it up for everybody
That's for sure. And it aint the driver's intention to be like that.....he's just trying to meet a deadline. And unfortunately, that's what it sometimes becomes......a dead line.
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Post by dodgey »

the one thing I see on the roads is that a Majority of people I see talking on a mobile phone whilst driving are TRUCK drivers... :roll:

IMO ...a lot of truckies think it's their Right to be on the road and that everyone should stay out of their way
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Post by robrulz5 »

I've almost been hit by a truck a few times simply because they won't look when changing lanes. I was passing the truck when all of a sudden it started moving into my lane.

There is no doubt that truck drivers are worse at night due to fatigue.

The big semi-trailers should be outlawed on suburban streets, they still go at ridiculous speeds in these areas even around 3.30 or so when school finishes.
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Post by billyduckworth »

I've just returned from several months overseas, mainly in China, and two things stand out to me immediately about our roads in Melbourne:

(1) There are FAR too many trucks on the road, mainly because governments have allowed, over a 30 year period or more, the railways to deteriorate to the point where almost all freight is now carried by road. By contrast, China is building new railways, upgrading track and increasing train speeds all the time.

(2) On the western ring road, I see all the cars travelling very conservatively, sitting on about 90, afraid they might get caught on a speed camera. Meanwhile, trucks roar past you, in the right hand lane, doing 105 or more. Maybe the speed cameras don't have a wide enough lens to catch trucks or something? Or did the laws change while I was away and trucks are now exempt from speed limits?
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Post by BenDoolan »

billyduckworth wrote:I've just returned from several months overseas, mainly in China, and two things stand out to me immediately about our roads in Melbourne:

(1) There are FAR too many trucks on the road, mainly because governments have allowed, over a 30 year period or more, the railways to deteriorate to the point where almost all freight is now carried by road. By contrast, China is building new railways, upgrading track and increasing train speeds all the time.

(2) On the western ring road, I see all the cars travelling very conservatively, sitting on about 90, afraid they might get caught on a speed camera. Meanwhile, trucks roar past you, in the right hand lane, doing 105 or more. Maybe the speed cameras don't have a wide enough lens to catch trucks or something? Or did the laws change while I was away and trucks are now exempt from speed limits?
(1) Sure can be improved, no doubt. State Govt gone to sleep on that one. How many shipping containers can be transported by rail as compared to two at a time by a semi?.....

(2) What's happened to the 100km speed limiters????????
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Post by jimmyc1985 »

Listen people.

To get rid of trucks, you do what Dennis Weaver did in Duel. Just drive around for a while in the country side, take the truck to the top of a grade, challenge it to a game of chicken and then, at the last moment before your car and the truck collide, do a dramatic barrel roll out of your car. The truck hits the car and before the evil truck driver can stop in time, he and his truck are plummeting to their deaths over the precipice of the grade.
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Post by dom_105 »

jimmyc1985 wrote:Listen people.

To get rid of trucks, you do what Dennis Weaver did in Duel. Just drive around for a while in the country side, take the truck to the top of a grade, challenge it to a game of chicken and then, at the last moment before your car and the truck collide, do a dramatic barrel roll out of your car. The truck hits the car and before the evil truck driver can stop in time, he and his truck are plummeting to their deaths over the precipice of the grade.
Seriously underrated movie that one.

Still has an effect on me.
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Post by BenDoolan »

jimmyc1985 wrote:Listen people.

To get rid of trucks, you do what Dennis Weaver did in Duel. Just drive around for a while in the country side, take the truck to the top of a grade, challenge it to a game of chicken and then, at the last moment before your car and the truck collide, do a dramatic barrel roll out of your car. The truck hits the car and before the evil truck driver can stop in time, he and his truck are plummeting to their deaths over the precipice of the grade.

Great movie!!
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Post by jimmyc1985 »

Yep, that movie is a cracker. We had it on tape and when i was about 12, i tried desperately to figure out who the ******* truck driver was. I must've gone through the scene in the cafe 20 times trying to figure out who it was....

Then i looked through the credits and saw 'Carey Loftin' was the truck driver and, much to my disappointment, his face was never revealed in the movie. I was shattered to find i had been on a wild goose chase :o!
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