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The (Good) Comedy Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:18 am
by Madden
Thought it would be good to create a thread where we people can recommend any good comedy they have seen recently.

Note: it has to be good comedy. If anyone suggests anything shit, like Will and Grace or the latest Rodney Rude CD :roll: - I will shut you down.

With that in mind, I caught the first ep of Chris Lilley's new show 'Summer Heights High' last night. Its looking like it will be really really good. If you are a fan of any other mockumentaries (The Office, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry Sanders etc), then it should be a must watch. I recommend it to everyone.

Anyone else catch it? Or got any other recommendations?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:37 am
by robbie67
Check out any of the Billy Connolly videos on You Tube. All are classics, and their are hundreds.

Also on You Tube, do a search on "Kevin Spacey Inside The Actors Studio". He does a series of impersanations, that are just about he best, and funniest you will ever see.

Oh, and if any of you have never seen or heard Bill Hicks, do so immediately.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:48 am
by Rossoneri
For the wogs out there, go and watch Il Daigo. Funniest ethnic comedy I have seen.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 2:45 pm
by Madden
I'm not the hugest fan of 'ethnic' comedy - being comedy that relies on a particular racial stereotype to get laughs. I think that comedians should just tell jokes, and not be the 'asian comedian' or the 'wog comedian' etc. But each to their own.

Bill Hicks is outstanding Robbie and so much of his stuff rings more true today then it did back then.

There's not a lot of good stuff airing on TV right now so i will kick this thread along by suggesting some DVD purchases. I'm a big fan of good TV comedy so that's where my interests lie.

Stuff that has been newly released and that you should all pick up:

Extras S2
Curb Your Enthusiasm S5
The Micallef Programme S1-3 Box

and not so much comedy as addictive TV, Entourage S3(Part2) is released in the US in a couple of weeks. Get your multi-region DVD players ready and grab it off Amazon. It's awesome.

Any other recommendations?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:06 pm
by robbie67
These will probably seem obvious, but the "deluxe" addition of The Late Show DVD is a must have. From the 80's Eddie Murphy's Delirious, and Raw are brilliant. You have to watch Delirious first though.

For brilliant Black Comedy, Weeds the first series on DVD is outstanding, and some friends have just bought season 2 back from the USA, and I plan on stealing it soon.

Re: Bill Hicks. "I had a great time doing drugs, I didnt turn into an egg". Classic.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:43 pm
Have you picked up the Bargeass and Olden Days DVD yet Robbie? So many fart jokes.

I'm with you on Extras series 2 Staggy. Nearly as good as The Office.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:50 pm
by Sismis
Scrubs-greatest seppo comedy.
Red Dwarf-greatest geek comedy.
Arrested development- good seppo comedy.
Dave Chappel-funniest seppo ever.

As Robbie pointed out Delirious and Raw. Outstanding stand-up.
Robin Williams is also very funny in his stand-up

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:13 pm
by Gatsid
You want good comedy, watch the news and listen to how the Chaser boys got into APEC with Chas dressed as Osama Bin Laden before getting arrested.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:51 pm
by robbie67
BERT wrote:Have you picked up the Bargeass and Olden Days DVD yet Robbie? So many fart jokes.

I'm with you on Extras series 2 Staggy. Nearly as good as The Office.
I have to get them Bert. Especially the Bargeass one. Loved that part of the show. Who could ever forget the night they planted Bluey Grills in the audience, and he got up in the middle of the show and yelled out "when are you bastards going to stop taking the piss out of me?".

I remember when "Bluey" was on TV when I was a kid and watching it one night, he told that female copper that was always around that he was taking her out to dinner. Even though I was only 7 or 8 at the time, I will never forget the look on her face as he drove into McDonalds. :lol:

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:03 pm
by robbie67
Have all of you guys seen the movie, Clerks? The cheapest funniset movie ever made.

Also good and not too well known is a Japanese film called Sumo Do, Sumo Dont. Piss funny.

The origonal series of The Dream was so good, it just about over-shadowed the Sydney Olympics. Hello boys, battered sav, Mullet, haute, Fatso, Fucher, Gamover.......friggin brilliant.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:52 am
by grassy1
"I'm so Hungry,I could eat a Horse!"

"Come on Mate,give me one!You must have an old Nag somewhere!"


"Come on,I'm wasting away.I'm getting desperate.I've even eaten my own Tie!"

"Have you considered our New Smorgasboard?Your choice"

"All right,I'll have the Number 5 with BLACKBEAN Sauce!"

"That you Twenty?"

"Yeah Sarge,I'm still stuck 'ere at this BLOODY Level Crossing!"

"Well,you can forget your Oriental Fairy Floss,I've just devoured a two thousand Pound Quadraped!"

"Last time you did that,we had trouble with the Plumbing!"

"Half Flush or Full?!"


Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:57 am
by grassy1
Don't foget 'im pretending he's Hugh Hefner and having UNREALISTIC DREAM Sequences.And wearing FIGURE HUGGING Blue Gowns!

DOUGHNUTS!Pure Bloody Ecstacy then BANG,I thud into a 20 foot POLLY WAFFLE!

And the ROCKY theme around Albert Park.In that RIDICULOUS Blue Tracksuit!

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 3:00 am
by grassy1
Leave it to you guys for more BARGEARSE MAGIC MEMORIES.

Don't forget the DUTCH OVEN!

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:51 am
by Madden
robbie67 wrote:Have all of you guys seen the movie, Clerks? The cheapest funniset movie ever made.

Also good and not too well known is a Japanese film called Sumo Do, Sumo Dont. Piss funny.

The origonal series of The Dream was so good, it just about over-shadowed the Sydney Olympics. Hello boys, battered sav, Mullet, haute, Fatso, Fucher, Gamover.......friggin brilliant.
Love all of those. Have seen Sumo Do Sumo Don't and I found it pretty funny.

Given we are going down the movie track - my all time favorite comedy movie is 'Wag The Dog'. Wasn't particularly well known, but it is off-the-chart brilliant. Also the only movie to star both Robert DeNiro and Dustin Hoffman. Supporting cast is brilliant too: Denis Leary, Anne Heche, Willie Nelson and Woody Harrelson.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 9:10 am
by robbie67
Wag the Dog is an absolute classic.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:04 am
by Sismis
robbie67 wrote:Wag the Dog is an absolute classic.
Awesome film, and it's timing could not have been better!

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:47 pm
by bombers_rock
robbie67 wrote:The origonal series of The Dream was so good, it just about over-shadowed the Sydney Olympics. Hello boys, battered sav, Mullet, haute, Fatso, Fucher, Gamover.......friggin brilliant.
:D That is absolute GOLD that is. Soooo glad we got it on DVD. I'm just a little disappointed they didn't do it with each episode, because there was a lot of stuff they cut from the DVDs that was bloody funny and would've been awesome to include. I can't remember what they were now, but I remember when we got the DVD I was disappointed that lots was cut.

"If you got the VHS version, BURN IT!"
"...things that weren't even made... on this DVD."


Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 3:19 pm
by hillchaser
Not that you'll ever see this in a list of classic comedy but here's what I came up with

1. Fletch
2. Fletch Lives
3. The Office
4. Office Space
5. The Burbs (I don't know why I find this so amusing)
6. Happy Gilmore
7. Meet the Parents
8. Starsky and Hutch
9. Extras

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:55 pm
by dingus
The Big Lebowski


Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:13 am
by robbie67
dingus wrote:The Big Lebowski

Ah yes. The mighty Coen Brothers. Oh Brother Where Art Thau, Fargo, and Millers Crossing are three more gems of theirs.