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The Official 2007 Election Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 2:46 pm
by Madden
Time to create one thread where all the discussion can go.

Howard began his campaign today citing the theme of 'Leadership', and articulating Labor's lack of experience.

Rudd's speech has just finished - with the theme being that it's time for a change. He outlined his polices on Broadband, the Education Revolution, Climate Change and Iraq.

Still lots of policy detail to come from both sides.

The campaign is 6 weeks: and the polls today have the ALP leading the Coalition by 18 points.


Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:24 pm
by BenDoolan
I thinks it's going to be a grubby campaign with a lot of mud slinging. I found it humorous that Howard was trying to paint a picture of uncertainty with the ALP by suggesting Rudd doesn't really want Swan as treasurer and that there is uncertainty about the shadow foreign minister. He then announced with confidence that Costello WILL be treasurer and Downer WILL be foreign minister. Hahaha, yeah, the treasurer who wants to knife him in the back and dispose of him so he can become leader, but doesn't have the GUTS to challenge him. Classic.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:52 pm
by grassy1
The MUD SLINGING started long before now,but it's on in earnest,with GILLARD copping the CRAP about ther partner

Wonder who was rersponsible for DRAGGING that CRAP up?

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:49 pm
by Paul18
Thank God it's finally on.
Hope Howard goes, but still afraid he'd crawl back in.

What I noticed about the speeches how much Howard and Rudd tell us what a great country we live in.
The Nazis used this old trick,
Is this a great country? ... response...yes
Do we love our mothers? .... response...yes
are you going to vote for me?,..... yes

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 9:06 am
by Madden
Already the debates for the campaign have been proposed.

The Liberals have proposed one debate, this Sunday. To be 90 minutes, and moderated by David Speers and with no audience participation and no worm.

Labor is proposing a series of three debates, with one to involve audience participation through YouTube and one to involve a forum with community members and leaders.

We all know that Howard will get his way. He has the ace in the pack as there is no requirement for him to debate Rudd at all. Expect the debate this Sunday folks.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 9:34 am
by BenDoolan
The man of steel / teflon should be able to withstand as many debates as possible. Yeah, we know he's not obligated, but he's chicken shit. They should also have Costello up there during the debate, because after all, he will be the Prime Minister if they win.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 9:42 am
by Rossoneri
Regardless of the polls, we all now Howard will some how win. I love how they are no trying to introduce these policies. Considering he has been in government for 11 years, why werent these implemented earlier?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 9:50 am
by Madden
Rossoneri wrote:Regardless of the polls, we all now Howard will some how win. I love how they are no trying to introduce these policies. Considering he has been in government for 11 years, why werent these implemented earlier?
Do we?

Speak for yourself son. Howard is cunning, but I don't think he can escape from these numbers.

Filth: I don't actually mind David Speers. The network isn't the best but I have always found Speers to be pretty impartial.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:17 am
by Sismis
Unless the independants/greens can gain some control of the upper house we will not see any significant policy change regardless of who wins.

Just like Aliens V Predator. Whoever wins WE lose.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:22 am
by BenDoolan
Well Howard could in fact lose his seat. Which means if the Coalition win the election - Costello is our leader.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:26 am
by Madden
Sismis wrote:Unless the independants/greens can gain some control of the upper house we will not see any significant policy change regardless of who wins.

Just like Aliens V Predator. Whoever wins WE lose.
Or like that Simpsons episode where Kang and Kodos were running for President.

"What are you going to do? It's a two-party system - you have to vote for one of us!"

"Well I believe I'll vote for a third party."

"Go ahead - throw your vote away..."

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:25 am
Good to see Mr Clean already saying it's going to be a dirty campaign. Of course the ALP don't ever smear. Short memories. Latham was such a placid bloke as was Keating.

Hopefully Howard will win. It would be interesting if Rudd wins and The Libs control the Senate.

Now will Rudd actually come out with anything of substance or will it still be the crap that comes out of his mouth now like "I hate the pokies" "I'll look into petrol prices"

Funny how in every federal/state election that I can remember there has been one debate and now St Kevin wants 3.

I really hope people see through this bloke. God help us if he gets in.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:40 am
by BenDoolan
Looking forward to Rudd being our leader. Has vision and proper policy that is not dictated by US interests. Had enough of the liar and his smug deputy who backstabs and doesn't have the ticker. Their party should be cast into the political wilderness for many a year.

Bring on the AWB trial.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:34 pm
by dodgey
I reckon Labor will Win..

will take just about all of the 18 seats that The Libs hold by less than 5% and will probably even control the senate

people have had enough of Howard and all the Polls are saying a 10-12 point lead to Rudd ( even the pro Lib one's )

don't think Howard has any Rabbits left in his hat...

I'm just wondering How Long Filthy can use the "It's from the Howard Govt. days, nothing we can do about it" for :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:58 pm
Well the state government are still blaming Jeff and that was 8 years ago.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:05 pm
by dodgey
Filthy wrote:
dodgey wrote:I reckon Labor will Win..

will take just about all of the 18 seats that The Libs hold by less than 5% and will probably even control the senate

people have had enough of Howard and all the Polls are saying a 10-12 point lead to Rudd ( even the pro Lib one's )

don't think Howard has any Rabbits left in his hat...

I'm just wondering How Long Filthy can use the "It's from the Howard Govt. days, nothing we can do about it" for :wink:
Get stuffed!!! :D
hahahahaha .... If only the Snapper in the bay were as easy to catch :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:12 pm
by Madden
The first huge announcement of the campaign is in. ... 58462.html

A major re-structure of the tax system to take place over 5 years.

In summary, this is what its gonna do:

The plan would see the tax-free threshold raised to $14,000 next year, while the lowest tax rate would kick in on earnings over $34,000. Taxpayers would pay 30 cents in the dollar once they earn $80,000 a year and 40 cents at $180,000.

In following years, the top tax rates would be lowered while the tax-free threshold would be lifted again.

Mr Costello has said the goal of the restructure was to arrive at a tax-free threshold of $20,000 and for there to be only four marginal tax rates, with the top rate set at 40 cents in the dollar. However the Treasurer has only outlined precise numbers for the first three years.
This is a very savvy move by the Liberals. In a sense, the details of the policy are largely irrelevant - because regardless of the detail, it focuses the early media attention on tax and the fact that Labor doesn't yet have a tax policy. This increased media scrutiny will result in one of two things:

1. Labor doesn't release a tax policy by the end of the week (when the debate is) - allowing Howard a free hit in the debate and beforehand, or;

2. Labor is hasty in releasing its tax policy as soon as possible - allowing Costello to pick it apart with ease (say what you like about Costello, but he is supremely good at attacking fiscal policy).

Very good first move by Howard.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:23 pm
by Rossoneri
Staggy wrote:The first huge announcement of the campaign is in. ... 58462.html

A major re-structure of the tax system to take place over 5 years.

In summary, this is what its gonna do:

The plan would see the tax-free threshold raised to $14,000 next year, while the lowest tax rate would kick in on earnings over $34,000. Taxpayers would pay 30 cents in the dollar once they earn $80,000 a year and 40 cents at $180,000.

In following years, the top tax rates would be lowered while the tax-free threshold would be lifted again.

Mr Costello has said the goal of the restructure was to arrive at a tax-free threshold of $20,000 and for there to be only four marginal tax rates, with the top rate set at 40 cents in the dollar. However the Treasurer has only outlined precise numbers for the first three years.
This is a very savvy move by the Liberals. In a sense, the details of the policy are largely irrelevant - because regardless of the detail, it focuses the early media attention on tax and the fact that Labor doesn't yet have a tax policy. This increased media scrutiny will result in one of two things:

1. Labor doesn't release a tax policy by the end of the week (when the debate is) - allowing Howard a free hit in the debate and beforehand, or;

2. Labor is hasty in releasing its tax policy as soon as possible - allowing Costello to pick it apart with ease (say what you like about Costello, but he is supremely good at attacking fiscal policy).

Very good first move by Howard.
Sad thing is, most people will actually believe that the government will actually implement these tax cuts. Can not believe the number of people who decide who to elect based on 6 weeks of bullshit. So many times the government (both parties) say "we will do this if (re)elected" and "we will do that" and when they are elected, what happens? Oh sorry, we didnt think you would take us seriously. Please!!!!!!!

I decided on my vote backj in August and nothing these two idiots say will swing my vote.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:24 pm
by Madden
Filthy wrote:
Staggy wrote:The first huge announcement of the campaign is in. ... 58462.html

A major re-structure of the tax system to take place over 5 years.

This is a very savvy move by the Liberals. It focusses the early attention on tax and the fact that Labor doesn't yet have a tax policy. The increased media scrutiny will result in one of two things: It does....just choosing to release it in a couple of weeks time the Rodent did in 96.

1. Labor doesn't release a tax policy by the end of the week (when the debate is) - allowing Howard a free hit, or;

2. Labor is hasty in releasing its tax policy as soon as possible - allowing Costello to pick it apart with ease (say what you like about Costello, but he is supremely good at attacking fiscal policy). Well he is a Dollar Sweetie scumbag Barrister....never mind if anything he says is actually true?

Very good first move by Howard. For a liar....core or non-core? ... ed&search=
Yeah Filth, I am sure they have a policy: but the fact is they haven't released it yet. Not saying that's necessarily bad (like you said, its been done in the past), but it can be portrayed as bad - and will be.

It also fits perfectly into the 'Labor can't manage money' theme that the Libs are running.

I'm just analysing this from the POV of the actual contest itself (I mean come on, you know I'm not voting for Howard mate!). Say what you want about the facts, but strategically, its a great move.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:38 pm
by dodgey
Labor DO have a Tax policy......

Repealing the GST :wink: