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Exclusive Brethren: Christian Fundamentalists

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:47 am
by Filthy
So if you're white, speak English and some sort of wacko Christian are you better than a wacko muslim, buddhist, hindu.... ... ntentSwap1

"This month John Howard said of Muslims that they needed to embrace Australian values, saying, "they have to integrate". "Fully integrating means accepting Australian values … And it means understanding that in certain areas, such as the equality of men and women … people who come from societies where women are treated in an inferior fashion have got to learn very quickly that that is not the case in Australia." In the small corner of this country that is Exclusive Brethren, mainstream values are an entirely alien concept. But Howard still gleefully accepts their coin, and their influence is growing fast."
f*** em all.


Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:01 pm
by hird22
well i acutally am employed by a family whos religion is of the bretheran and i can tell you they are the nicest people you would ever meet.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:04 pm
by AnarchicBomber
Story on Four Corners tonight.

Re: well

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:05 pm
by temporary stevo
hird22 wrote:well i acutally am employed by a family whos religion is of the bretheran and i can tell you they are the nicest people you would ever meet.
i'd be surprised if many (most?) weren't decent people. but that's beside the point, namely that even though some of the Brethren's teachings are in tension with Howard's "Australian values", the conservative side of politics isn't demonising them as they are with Muslims and other minority groups.

Re: well

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:50 pm
by swoodley
temporary stevo wrote:
hird22 wrote:well i acutally am employed by a family whos religion is of the bretheran and i can tell you they are the nicest people you would ever meet.
i'd be surprised if many (most?) weren't decent people. but that's beside the point, namely that even though some of the Brethren's teachings are in tension with Howard's "Australian values", the conservative side of politics isn't demonising them as they are with Muslims and other minority groups.
Might have something to do with the dollars they are supposedly passing on to the conservative parties :shock:

Re: well

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:20 pm
by Makaveli
hird22 wrote:well i acutally am employed by a family whos religion is of the bretheran and i can tell you they are the nicest people you would ever meet.
Don't worry mate, just filthy trying to ram his anti-christ propoganda down everyones throats.


Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:49 pm
by hird22
god forbid ANY religion/group/faction commit money to a political party!

Re: well

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:47 am
by Filthy
Makaveli wrote:
hird22 wrote:well i acutally am employed by a family whos religion is of the bretheran and i can tell you they are the nicest people you would ever meet.
Don't worry mate, just filthy trying to ram his anti-christ propoganda down everyones throats.
As usual wankervelli, your comments just prove what a complete and utter f***wit you are. go and lay down on a train track somewhere.

A Letter from the Age today:

Muslim Brethren

IF A 20,000-strong, secretive Muslim sect refused to vote, refused to integrate, wasn't allowed basic freedoms, and secretly campaigned against the conservative parties, Howard and Co would be screaming "un-Australian" and banging on about "Aussie values".

There would no doubt be strong support for a full Senate inquiry into their financial dealings and favourable tax-exempt status. Shock jocks would invoke a moral panic and the word "deportation" would become popular. But since the Exclusive Brethren are "Christians", the rules are different.
Iain Lygo, Anglesea

And better still an excellent article and as usual a great cartoon: ... 38439.html

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:58 pm
by Boyler_Room
I find it offensive that the word "Christian" is used so loosely.

Jesus Christ himself spoke about obeying the laws of the land. This mob are a disgrace and I would appreciate if you would not use the word "Christian" when referencing them, because they are far from it.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:17 pm
by Filthy
Boyler_Room wrote:I find it offensive that the word "Christian" is used so loosely.

Jesus Christ himself spoke about obeying the laws of the land. This mob are a disgrace and I would appreciate if you would not use the word "Christian" when referencing them, because they are far from it.
Spot on Boyler.....JC was a revolutionary in his own peaceful a Mahatma Gandhi. Mandela and so on. It is up to ones individual religious beliefs beyond that.

The point of this post is simple....FUNDAMENTALIST ANYTHING.....Christian, Muslim, Hindu, whatever are wackos and are dangerous.

The only way forward is peaceful integration, discussion and agreement Gandhi said....First they ignore, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. :wink:

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:16 am
by Sismis
Boyler_Room wrote:I find it offensive that the word "Christian" is used so loosely.

Jesus Christ himself spoke about obeying the laws of the land. This mob are a disgrace and I would appreciate if you would not use the word "Christian" when referencing them, because they are far from it.
It is bloody good thing for most of these "Christians" the Jesus is constitutionally bound to forgive them. The shit people carry out in his name is beyond a joke.

There is nothing wrong with the basic messages of Jesus or Mohamed. It's some peoples desire to f*** everything up for everybody that causes the problems.

"Let he who is without sin throw the first stone" Pretty simple stuff really.

I'm pretty much the only one who should be lobbing rocks! :wink:

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 8:49 pm
by uptick

oil and religion, what an explosive mix.