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World War III

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:24 pm
by Sismis

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:30 pm
by keri
Okay..... that's slightly off-putting....

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:46 pm
by keri
That's like trying to plug a leaky damn with dynamite....

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:08 pm
by Madden
Surely no-one would be stupid enough to actually believe that article. It's complete rubbish.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:15 pm
by nomolos
I read the first paragraph laughed my head off, then went back to watching youtube videos.

A nuclear attack on Iran is an attack on Moscow - PAHHHHHLEASE

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:34 pm
by keri
A little bit of Cold War could be interesting.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:15 pm
by Sismis

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:52 pm
by BenDoolan
Someone does need to stand up to the global dictators - the USA. In the history of the entire World there has only ever been one nation to use nuclear weapons to kill hundreds and thousands of people of another nation.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 9:32 pm
by Sismis
A mate of mine, admitedly a noted alarmist. Put me on to this today. I started lookng around. This is propagander, BUT like all good porpergander it sets its roots in truth. Ask yourself this.

1. Who won the cold war and why?

2. The single defining "battle' of the cold war was .....

3. How was ths resolved.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:36 am
by billyduckworth
Sismis wrote: 1. Who won the cold war and why?

2. The single defining "battle' of the cold war was .....

3. How was this resolved.
Very interesting questions, Sismis. All highly debatable.

My answers would be:

(1) The USA because the USSR imploded (collapsed), not because of anything "superior" about the USA (even though the Americans think that).

(2) USSR getting bogged down in Afghanistan and also the Pope & Solidarity taking on communism in Poland

(3) Religion (the Taliban in Afghanistan; the Pope in Poland) won over politics.

Assuming the Vatican is still on "our" side, this means the enemy now is Islamic extremists.

If you think about it, there is a logical progression to this (in the minds of the hawks in America, who cannot survive unless there is an "enemy"). First, they defeated Nazism, then (in their minds) they defeated communism (in their view, Vietnam was a slight blip along the way caused by leftist hippies getting their way), now they need to defeat Islam.

I suggest you take a look at Mike Moore's movie Bowling For Columbine. It contains a chapter called "climate of fear" in which he argues that the USA has always been driven by fear of the "other".

The other side issue to this is why we as Australians keep joining the Americans in this fight against the "other". I suppose it could be argued that we also have a history of fear - fear that the reds under the bed or the yellow hordes or someone was about to invade us at any minute.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:17 am
by pevfan
Dubya is already talking about WW111 himself and believe me HE MEANS IT!!.

If you can get your hands on it have a read of 'The Last Crusade..Religion and the Politics of Misdirection' By Barbara Victor. Very scary stuff.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 1:11 pm
by grassy1


Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:48 am
by Essendon4eva
I'm not sure about World War III, but if the Republican's get re-elected there will be plans to attack Iran. the question for us and the question Labor should be raising is...if the Libs get re-elected, will we be dragged into it?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:53 am
by grassy1


NO TURNING BACK!There will be a CHAIN REACTION of the many members of the NUCLEAR CLUB wanting a 1st STRIKE INITIATIVE.

Those Countries Untouched won't escape long.An ENTIRE BLANKET of DEADLY FALLOUT will KNOCK may of their CITIZENS off.


The HUMAN RACE!Supposedly the most INTELLIGENT one on PLANET EARTH.So INTELLIGENT,it has SINGLE HANDEDLY WIPED OUT many species throughout the Globe and now THREATENS it's OWN EXISTENCE like NEVER BEFORE!!!!!

In short,NO OTHER RACE has f***** it's own HOME over,like we have!

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:12 am
by pevfan
"I am death, the destroyer of worlds"...Robert Oppenheimer, builder of the first Atom Bomb

I can never forget those words and the warning message they carry I can only hope and pray that the rest of the world never forgets them either. Otherwise they may well prove to be the final epitaph of the human race.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:12 am
by Essendon4eva
George bush and the Rebuplican nominmee's other than Ron Pual are speaking about bombing Iran. Just watch the debates on CNN.
Anyone who thinks it won't happen and will not potentiall lead to the third world war is totally ignorant.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:52 am
by Sismis
billyduckworth wrote:
Sismis wrote: 1. Who won the cold war and why?

2. The single defining "battle' of the cold war was .....

3. How was this resolved.
Very interesting questions, Sismis. All highly debatable.

My answers would be:

(1) The USA because the USSR imploded (collapsed), not because of anything "superior" about the USA (even though the Americans think that).

(2) USSR getting bogged down in Afghanistan and also the Pope & Solidarity taking on communism in Poland

(3) Religion (the Taliban in Afghanistan; the Pope in Poland) won over politics.

Assuming the Vatican is still on "our" side, this means the enemy now is Islamic extremists.

If you think about it, there is a logical progression to this (in the minds of the hawks in America, who cannot survive unless there is an "enemy"). First, they defeated Nazism, then (in their minds) they defeated communism (in their view, Vietnam was a slight blip along the way caused by leftist hippies getting their way), now they need to defeat Islam.

I suggest you take a look at Mike Moore's movie Bowling For Columbine. It contains a chapter called "climate of fear" in which he argues that the USA has always been driven by fear of the "other".

The other side issue to this is why we as Australians keep joining the Americans in this fight against the "other". I suppose it could be argued that we also have a history of fear - fear that the reds under the bed or the yellow hordes or someone was about to invade us at any minute.
Sorry was slightly (completely) pissed when I wrote this hence was slightly tunnel vision in my veiw of the cold war and was basically focusing on potential nuclear conflict.

1. I totally agree. This time however, Russia is an emerging and ambitous economic power, with massive strategic advantage should the middle east becomes the battle ground.

2. I was thinking of the Cuban Missile crisis.

3. In this case the situationwas resolved by having a president who was more concerned with avoiding confilct and seeking solutions than pulling the trigger. Imagine the same situation today?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:59 am
by Sismis
pevfan wrote:"I am death, the destroyer of worlds"...Robert Oppenheimer, builder of the first Atom Bomb

I can never forget those words and the warning message they carry I can only hope and pray that the rest of the world never forgets them either. Otherwise they may well prove to be the final epitaph of the human race.
Oppenheimer and Nobel both made the same mistake. They both believed if people could how destructive their inventions were, it would end war....... For geniusses they were pretty friggen dum.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:07 pm
by Sismis
grassy1 wrote:The WHOLE WORLD will GET DRAGGED into it,once ONE GOES OFF!


NO TURNING BACK!There will be a CHAIN REACTION of the many members of the NUCLEAR CLUB wanting a 1st STRIKE INITIATIVE.

Those Countries Untouched won't escape long.An ENTIRE BLANKET of DEADLY FALLOUT will KNOCK may of their CITIZENS off.


The HUMAN RACE!Supposedly the most INTELLIGENT one on PLANET EARTH.So INTELLIGENT,it has SINGLE HANDEDLY WIPED OUT many species throughout the Globe and now THREATENS it's OWN EXISTENCE like NEVER BEFORE!!!!!

In short,NO OTHER RACE has f***** it's own HOME over,like we have!
It would be very diffcult to end the human race, even with nuclear weapons. To destroy civiliation and set us backk 200 years though would take about 20 bombs.

There is an awesome film called "the day after" It was made in the 70s i think. It is set in Kansas where there are heaps of ICBM silos. There is a scene where everyone sees the missiles fire, it is one of the most chilling images I have ever seen. you could imagine the terror of knowing either the opposition has fired and we're responding or we've initiated first strike and they have over an hour to respond. Either way there are missiles coming back.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:10 pm
by Sismis
billyduckworth wrote:
Sismis wrote: I suggest you take a look at Mike Moore's movie Bowling For Columbine. It contains a chapter called "climate of fear" in which he argues that the USA has always been driven by fear of the "other".
Taken with a grain of salt Mike Moore has some very interesting points. He is spot on when he talks about how the pilgrims were fleeing persecution and that this has set the foundation for their nations policies. As you state the "climate of fear". They then use this to spin whatever they want.