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Mr Cameron Clayton

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:51 pm
by robbie67
I noticed Even listed as the support act for Grant Lee Buffalo. Is your brother back behind the kit, or do they have a ring in?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 8:45 pm
by CameronClayton
No that will be my brother Mat behind the kit.

How did the National gig go?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:03 pm
by robbie67
They were great. Sound was a bit ragged early in the set, but improved as the gig wore on. I was surprised at how old they were. All well into their mid-30's. Excellent gig. Did you go to the Brisbane show?

So what's the story with Even? Is this a one off thing for a few shows, or can we look forward to some new recordings?

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:14 pm
by CameronClayton
Missed the National in Brissie; we had just spent a few days over on Nth Stradbroke Island & were a bit knackered when we got back, which was on the same night as the gig. Surprisingly they did 2 shows at the Zoo, so the first show must have been a sell out. Have not heard or read any reports on any of their gigs in Oz, so if you have got a link to any, I wouldn't mind reading up on it.

Even do have a new CD in the can, due for release March/April. Doubt they will get too much airplay now, as they may be considered past it by JJJ, but Caroline Tran still has a soft spot for them, so you never know - often all it takes is one catchy single.