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Saddam to swing.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:15 pm
by F111
Yep...sentenced to death, along with his brother.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:30 pm
by jimmyc1985
Automatic appeal to come, which will drag things out a little i assume.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 10:30 pm
by BenDoolan
Yep, he'll probably die of natural causes before the rope will get him....

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 10:48 pm
by Rossoneri
Hope its a public hanging. I would have preferred they put him in a 3x3 foot cell with no window for life, giving him 30minutes of daylight per day.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:44 am
by jimmyc1985
BenDoolan wrote:Yep, he'll probably die of natural causes before the rope will get him....
Apparently the process in this case is a lot more expeditious than, say, in the US where after sentencing people sit around on death row for several years. His appeal starts immediately and is expected to go for around 30 days, and if the appeals court uphold the decision he'll be hanged within 30 days, so he'll probably be hanged within 3 months: ... 76199.html

On another note, let's hope this piece of news isn't somehow concocted in a fashion that stops the Republicans getting their just deserts at the upcoming mid-term.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:57 am
by BenDoolan
jimmyc1985 wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:Yep, he'll probably die of natural causes before the rope will get him....
Apparently the process in this case is a lot more expeditious than, say, in the US where after sentencing people sit around on death row for several years. His appeal starts immediately and is expected to go for around 30 days, and if the appeals court uphold the decision he'll be hanged within 30 days, so he'll probably be hanged within 3 months: ... 76199.html

On another note, let's hope this piece of news isn't somehow concocted in a fashion that stops the Republicans getting their just deserts at the upcoming mid-term.
Well, it looks as though it will be a charade for the US parade (as usual). Not sure if this event will be a good result for the world, if anything, it will only inflame the threat of terrorism even further.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:01 am
by Madden
Im against the Death Penalty as a general rule but I can't help but think this is a good result.

Not so much because Saddam is going to die (a fact I couldn't really care less about), but more because of the authority that this decision bestows upon the Iraqi Courts. To have a court, made up of Iraqis, sentence their former dictator to death is enormously significant, and the authority such a decision gives the court overall can only be a positive for the country.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:17 am
by BenDoolan
Staggy wrote:Im against the Death Penalty as a general rule but I can't help but think this is a good result.

Not so much because Saddam is going to die (a fact I couldn't really care less about), but more because of the authority that this decision bestows upon the Iraqi Courts. To have a court, made up of Iraqis, sentence their former dictator to death is enormously significant, and the authority such a decision gives the court overall can only be a positive for the country.
Not sure if there is "law and order" in Iraq as you allude to here. There are daily bombings/killings/kidnappings etc and virtually no order of control by police or any other authority. What we have is "insurgence", "sectarianism" and "terrorism" ruining the country and the "coalition of the willing" standing by witnessing it all happen. Call it what you will (the US have their own terminolgy), but Civil War is a rage over there (Iraqi's killing Iraqi's), and the man who once had "control" over them has now been sentenced to death.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:14 am
by Madden
BenDoolan wrote:
Staggy wrote:Im against the Death Penalty as a general rule but I can't help but think this is a good result.

Not so much because Saddam is going to die (a fact I couldn't really care less about), but more because of the authority that this decision bestows upon the Iraqi Courts. To have a court, made up of Iraqis, sentence their former dictator to death is enormously significant, and the authority such a decision gives the court overall can only be a positive for the country.
Not sure if there is "law and order" in Iraq as you allude to here. There are daily bombings/killings/kidnappings etc and virtually no order of control by police or any other authority. What we have is "insurgence", "sectarianism" and "terrorism" ruining the country and the "coalition of the willing" standing by witnessing it all happen. Call it what you will (the US have their own terminolgy), but Civil War is a rage over there (Iraqi's killing Iraqi's), and the man who once had "control" over them has now been sentenced to death.
Agree with everything you say here. I was not alluding that there is 'law and order' in Iraq, in fact, as you correctly point out, its exactly the opposite.

My point was that for there ever to be a law and order in the future, a strong national court is essential, and I believe the Saddam verdict means that citizens perceive the court as strong, rather than weak. A strong court is necessary for a strong democracy.

However, there is obviously still a lot of work to be done in Iraq. Its a f***ing nightmare at the moment.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:17 am
by Rossoneri
I wonder if Howard still feels that hanging is barbaric, as he said during the Van Nguyen case?

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:50 am
by BenDoolan
Rossoneri wrote:I wonder if Howard still feels that hanging is barbaric, as he said during the Van Nguyen case?
Here's a quick link to the oxymoron...... ... 62,00.html

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:44 am
by Filthy
Rossoneri wrote:Hope its a public hanging. I would have preferred they put him in a 3x3 foot cell with no window for life, giving him 30minutes of daylight per day.
What he said....hanging is too quick...make him suffer!!

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:49 am
by serkan
Rossoneri wrote:I wonder if Howard still feels that hanging is barbaric, as he said during the Van Nguyen case?
Saddam Hussein deserves to die, unlike Van Nguyen

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:01 pm
by Rossoneri
serkan wrote:
Rossoneri wrote:I wonder if Howard still feels that hanging is barbaric, as he said during the Van Nguyen case?
Saddam Hussein deserves to die, unlike Van Nguyen
Bullshit! I dont want to hijack this thread but van nguyen deserved the death penalty also.

Saddam deserves about 20 death penalties but obviously thats impossible.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:16 pm
by Marillion
DIE YOU F@#KING EVIL,EVIL bastard!.............. :evil:

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:32 pm
by BenDoolan
Marillion wrote:DIE YOU F@#KING EVIL,EVIL bastard!.............. :evil:
Yes, and to those who created see, for every "title" they have labelled Saddam with post 1990, he was encouraged and helped to become pre 1990. Enjoy your read.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:43 pm
by Makaveli
I'd rather see the iranian president hung than saddam. Saddam was by know means the biggest threat to the west from the islamic world. As a matter of fact, he saw terrorism as the biggest issue facing Iraq at the time of his destruction.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:37 pm
by AnarchicBomber
Rossoneri wrote:
serkan wrote:
Rossoneri wrote:I wonder if Howard still feels that hanging is barbaric, as he said during the Van Nguyen case?
Saddam Hussein deserves to die, unlike Van Nguyen
Bullshit! I dont want to hijack this thread but van nguyen deserved the death penalty also.

Saddam deserves about 20 death penalties but obviously thats impossible.
Who are you to say who deserves to die and who doesn't?

Personally I don't think Saddam Hussein should receive the death penalty for the simple reason that I think it's an irreconcilable oxymoron to suggest that 'On priniciple I oppose the death penalty except in the case of ... '

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:06 pm
by Gatsid
I personally don't believe anyone deserves the death penalty, and I don't believe we should have the right to sentance another man to death. I believe Saddam should be punished and be locked up in isolation with no benefits. A toilet, Clothes on his back, food needed to survive, a bed and a shower. He doesnt deserve a full quality life but I don't believe by any means we have the right to say whether he should live or die.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 7:20 am
by Filthy
The guy is a dog and deserves all he gets. But think about it.

He reckons he is going to be a martyr and going to paradise and get 70 virgins (real Muslims know that is crap but there you go).

Whats a real punishment?

- A quick death that gives him what wants?


- Maybe 30 years in a 3m square cell on bread and water, no human contact etc etc etc.

Its a no brainer really.