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I still love Keating...

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:10 pm
by MH_Bomber
I just had a listen to Paul Keating's musings on the Opposition leader and the shadow finance minister. No-one tells it like it really is as well as good old Paul.

He describes Barnaby as Joh-Bjelke junior and absolutely bemoaned any possibility that Abbott could be PM with the words;
"God help us, God help us". The 'resident nutter on their side', 'intellectual nobody' and 'little Johnny Howard' also very aptly described Abbott in the words of the former PM.

If any of you saw 4-Corners on the bloke you would be very aware of how dangerous and erratic a player Abbott really is. I find it quite disturbing that he, as a young person in his uni days, was extremely right wing. Surely that kind of conservatism is the product of years of life experience and cynicism. It seems quite unnatural. I mean where was the idealism in this bloke - oh yeah that phase manifested itself when he decided to be a seminarian !!

The press gallery seem to be totally enamored by him though which a worry. Judging by the track record of the News Limited papers to date, Rupert has given Tony his endorsement as well. Like Keating said 'God help us' !!!!!

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:59 pm
by BERT ... -qegf.html

Even the Rudd love rag is talking about it.

Come on Filth. You are defending the do nothing government. The only thing he has done is spend billions and billions of dollars on great things like free house fires with your insulation.

I love how everyone bags NewsLtd but when Wacko Latham was in and getting a free run by Our ABC (It's only yours if lean to the left) and Fairfax it was about time.

It's about time people started waking up to Krudd. Has done nothing. A PM who has spent more nights OS then in the 2nd biggest city in the country he is the leader of.

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:08 pm
by j-mac31
You're right Bert, Rudd has done pretty much nothing, while talking as if he's changed the f****** world and it shits me to death.

However there is no way I'd want the current Liberal mob running things.

Also, I think Gillard would make a shit PM - she is more boring than Rudd because you don't have to think really hard to figure out what she's saying.

Also also, Steve Fielding is an utter f***wit, I wonder what Keating thinks of him.

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:49 pm
by Crazyman
Whilst I am not a labor voter, I have to admit that Keating certainly has a colourful way with words when describing people...who can ever forget the most memorable Keating quote "a shiver looking for a spine to run down" :lol:

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:36 pm
by MH_Bomber
Well I wont begin to argue with you Bert - you seem to be a died in the wool Liberal and I wont be changing your mind soon.

Yes Filthy I have been really cranky of late with the direction of the political landscape but I have high hopes in the next Federal election. I am clinging to the idea that all Abbott has done is sure up the right but he still leaves the swinging voters and moderates cold. Labor need to get stuck into him a lot more. Fortunately our old mate Peter Costello has come to the party on their proposed parental leave system.

For those of you who may be going off Ruddy and co., think about these a-holes possibly being frontbenchers in a coalition government ;

Barnaby Joyce - mad as a cut snake with no idea of what he's on about. He even confuses his own colleagues
Bronwyn Bishop - Magaret Thatcher wannabe that has never said anything intelligent on anything ever !
Philip Ruddock - presided over the most disgraceful episode in recent history with children behind razor wire for years in places like Baxter
Kevin Andrews - Mr Work Choices, makes members of opus dei look moderate on social issues

AND not forgetting the mad monk himself - I wish he'd stop swaggering around like his nuts are too big !!!

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:46 pm
by swoodley
It should be a very interesting election coming up as it looks to me like Abbott has been observing the happenings in Europe (Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland & UK) where politicians with right wing views re immigration etc have been achieving strong swings in their favour.

His recent comment regarding the "Welcome to Country" ceremonies show to me that he feels he can gain political mileage by playing the race card and it was no surprise to me that a day or two later Wilson Tuckey followed up with an even strongerr attack on the same subject.

Interesting times ahead.

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:10 pm
by grassy1
Paul has a way with words that ANNOYED None other than STUFFY OLD TORIES and for that I loved him.

Whilst I believe MURDOCH's up to his Old Tricks with his Empire's BIASED BULLSHIT(FAIR and BALANCED MY ARSE),Kevin HAS to ADDRESS a few things 1st before going to the next election.

1 - STOP BEING TOO SMART BY HALF.i.e.Stop Baffling Folk with your fancy way of talking Kev(Probllematic Specicifity or whatever),because they SWITCH OFF.That is what's really hurting you in the POLLS.Sounds stupid maybe,but with your messages(sound bites)to the Masses,it's a case of the Old KISS!

2 - ADDRESS your Policy on ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FAST!You may believe STEADFASTLY in your Policy,but it WILL KILL you in the SWINGING SEATS,when the LIBS and the MEDIA MATES Play the RACE CARD YET AGAIN!

You don't have to be RADICAL about it,but FIND a WAY to STOP THE BOATS NOW without giving the apparance,your government looks like the last.Difficult maybe,but You MUST ALTER your Policy NOW!Anyway possible.

3 - In terms of HEALTH Reform and other IMPORTANT Policy Packages,EXPLAIN THE DETAIL to us(But KISS) and KNOW what you're SELLING.If you have to REVIEW it and Modify it,SO BE IT.But DON'T allow yourselves to GET BURNT by it if it has the Potential to make the Problems of HEALTH REFORM WORSE,not Better.


Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:33 pm
grassy1 wrote:Paul has a way with words that ANNOYED None other than STUFFY OLD TORIES and for that I loved him.

Whilst I believe MURDOCH's up to his Old Tricks with his Empire's BIASED BULLSHIT(FAIR and BALANCED MY ARSE),Kevin HAS to ADDRESS a few things 1st before going to the next election.

1 - STOP BEING TOO SMART BY HALF.i.e.Stop Baffling Folk with your fancy way of talking Kev(Probllematic Specicifity or whatever),because they SWITCH OFF.That is what's really hurting you in the POLLS.Sounds stupid maybe,but with your messages(sound bites)to the Masses,it's a case of the Old KISS!

2 - ADDRESS your Policy on ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FAST!You may believe STEADFASTLY in your Policy,but it WILL KILL you in the SWINGING SEATS,when the LIBS and the MEDIA MATES Play the RACE CARD YET AGAIN!

You don't have to be RADICAL about it,but FIND a WAY to STOP THE BOATS NOW without giving the apparance,your government looks like the last.Difficult maybe,but You MUST ALTER your Policy NOW!Anyway possible.

3 - In terms of HEALTH Reform and other IMPORTANT Policy Packages,EXPLAIN THE DETAIL to us(But KISS) and KNOW what you're SELLING.If you have to REVIEW it and Modify it,SO BE IT.But DON'T allow yourselves to GET BURNT by it if it has the Potential to make the Problems of HEALTH REFORM WORSE,not Better.

Grassy. I think you and I are from the different ends of the political spectrum :wink: but I can not disagree with that. That is what is hurting Krudd. That and I don't think people know where he stands.

You might not like Abbott (and he has been a pleasant surprise how well he has gone so far.) but you know what he stands for.

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:40 pm
by grassy1
Well it doesn't matter who says it,but as long as someone TELLS HIM.Or are all their Advisors BLOODY SHEEP as to follow OH SO BLINDLY?!

On the lighter side,MH mentioned something about NUTS?The words BUDGIE SMUGGLERS come to mind.Tony stands for that. :lol:

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:47 pm
by little_ripper
Rudd has done plenty. he has spent billions on making sure your kiddies spend school in airconditioned comfort and everyone has a few extra bob to blow at myers.

on keating - he wishes he was still relevant.

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:23 pm
by pevfan
Aaah!! ...It's good to finally see good old verbal slanging going on back in the political arena...Go to it Filth and Bert. Love reading your joustings.

I just want to leave you all at this stage with one (IMHO) Very Scary thought...... Tony Abbott and Sarah Palin...together... leading their respective countries :roll: :roll: :roll: and don't think that that can't happen. OMG that's even scarier to contemplate than the Rodent and Dubya....C'mon Bert, tell us that that the thought of that combo doesn't frighten even you, just a little bit??

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:16 pm
Well if Rudd and Obama don't lift there games it could happen. TBH I don't really care about US politics. Abbott would be better than Krudd but that wouldn't be hard. Abbott is doing a good job. At least he has made federal politics interesting again.

Might get a sense of what is going to happen in both the federal and state election (vic) later this year with 2 states going to the polls tomorrow.

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:44 pm
by jimmyc1985
Keating is funny, but his humour is almost always at the expense of others. I find it a bit boring.

People here who are complaining about the somewhat negative recent press coverage towards Labor/Rudd (or the favourable coverage toward the opposition/Abbott) have short memories. Rudd & Labor had a DREAM run with the media for the first 18 months or so - everything they did was gold, everything the Libs (either Turnbull or Nelson) did was shit. The Libs are having a bit of a run, big deal - that's why it's a media cycle.

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:50 pm
by MH_Bomber
As long as it doesn't lead to a change of government Jimmy I'll be happy.

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:34 pm
by jimmyc1985
Filthy wrote:
jimmyc1985 wrote:Keating is funny, but his humour is almost always at the expense of others. I find it a bit boring.

People here who are complaining about the somewhat negative recent press coverage towards Labor/Rudd (or the favourable coverage toward the opposition/Abbott) have short memories. Rudd & Labor had a DREAM run with the media for the first 18 months or so - everything they did was gold, everything the Libs (either Turnbull or Nelson) did was shit. The Libs are having a bit of a run, big deal - that's why it's a media cycle.

Herald Sun...Bolt etc???

Little quiz the election and year that the Hearld Sun has editorially advocated a Labor Government of any hue?

PS Good to have you good? :)

PPSS Pev....Bertie and I are secretly very friendly :lol:
Yeah, so the Herald Sun is right biased and people who are left leaning will always decry its existence. What about or the ABC? People who are right leaning hate them, and i suspect they would rarely endorse a Liberal government. The reality is that there's media outlets who lean both ways in Australia.

Going ok thanks, just getting smashed at work though, hence my lack of posting around here. Looking forward to next Friday night :D - became an Essendon member for the first time this year (have previously always been an AFL member), wish they would deliver my F'ing membership pack!

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:46 pm
by grassy1
Libs can SPIN SA and TASMANIA all they want.They had it ALL LAID OUT for 'em to ROMP IT IN both elections thanks to the MURDOCH Press PUSHING HARD,yet on BOTH COUNTS FAILED.

RANN may just get a MAJORITY Government after a TORRID year or so,more relating to his Personal life than actual plitics.But whilst I laugh at the LIBS falling PATHETICALLY SHORT of MAJORITY Government in TASMAINIA,I also SCOFF at ALP in that state.

Having refused to go into Coalition with the GREENS and INDULGED in GREASY GRUB Politics on the GREENS,they now may have to go back and CRAWL,Stay on their KNEES and BEG for MERCY.SERV ES 'EM RIGHT the ARROGANT PRICKS! :evil:

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:41 pm
by boncer34
grassy1 wrote:Libs can SPIN SA and TASMANIA all they want.They had it ALL LAID OUT for 'em to ROMP IT IN both elections thanks to the MURDOCH Press PUSHING HARD,yet on BOTH COUNTS FAILED.
Not in Tassie they didn't Grassy.

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:36 pm
by grassy1
I'' have to go to Mr Green on Aunty for further updates,Bonce.

But what happened?Did the Libs do the UNTHINKABLE(for them) and form a Coalition with the Greens?

Re: I still love Keating...

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 7:26 pm
by rockhole
Not the greatest lover of Labour, but would not miss Question Time for the world when the Zegna suited one took the stand.

His demolition job on Peacock still remains the benchmark even if the Kooyong Colt was our No. 1 Ticket Holder. (Souffle, anyone??)