BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

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BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by dom_105 »

All this talk about where we are going leads me to look back at where we have come from

BomberTalk, as some might know, was the brainchild of Brad Paton. He developed what was probably the first of what is now commonplace, a football club-oriented website with stats, interviews, game reviews, player profiles and membership information. Groundbreaking stuff for 1995 (Indeed, that site still exists today albeit out of date), back when the Internet was powered by steam. I don't believe the AFL itself even had a website back then. Brad moved on to develop, and to this day his company maintains the club's official independent website, the only one of it's kind in the AFL.

Sometime in the mid-late 1990's (best guess is 1996 or 1997) Brad developed BomberTalk. Originally run from his Monash University homepage, it ended up being hosted at (except, possibly, for a short time hosted by vicnet), and subsequently, thanks to a few enterprising individuals, the site was relocated to it's current location.

The internet has only been around in its current form for 20 years. For anything to be able to trace it's history back 15 years means that it has enjoyed significant longevity. Indeed, you think of any football-related website around today, and it would be a good bet that this website, though it has been through some significant changes over the years, would predate each and every one of them.

So on this, the 15th anniversary of BomberTalk, I've taken the opportunity to look back. Last night I went through the dark, cobweb infested small crawlspaces of the internet and came across some solid gold. Spasmodically over the next few weeks I'll bring back some of the threads that live in infamy, threads that, through the benefit of hindsight, should live in infamy and threads that have been forgotten but need to be addressed.

(I stand corrected on all of the above. I haven't been around for all those years so I've just pieced together what I could)

First off the block
There is a thread from 2000 on Bigfooty that keeps coming up whenever I Google "BomberTalk". Back then, them themselves were looking back and talking about all the old guys that used to use the site in the late 90's. Any of these names ring a bell?
Hi people

I wonder where the old Bombertalk veterans have gone, now it's pretty much dead? I know Arch, Dutchy, Sandie, Walshy, Dan, S. Robbo, James2, Max Power and myself used to contribute, anyone else on BF?

Remember the acid tongue of "The Doc" also JohnG, Feltchmonkey, Topdon, Wayne Otway, just to name a few. Remember the stoushes we had with opposition supporters after the Prelim. in '99, he he he that was fun, bit of a release. "Rooboy" always provided intelligent posts for an opposition supporter, I reckon it might have been Shinners actually. They realy should get their act together and replace that dead duck with a forum like this one. I think it's important for the club to have a forum, even if the contaent isn't always complimentary.
Hey mate,

RoBomber here from BomberTalk.

It is dissapointing that Bombertalk has finished used to be a lot of fun with constructive arguments.

Does anyone know when it may be back online...
I remember the stoushs well Ricey, my favourite were the ones involving that West Coast fool, Eagle Dick, I mean Eagle Nick. JohnG can be found at other football sites, whilst Wayne Otway/Skills, has posted once on this board (check the topic on James Davies).
(Max Power)
BomberTalk is dead as the dodo it seems.

Shame really.

Brad no longer has anything to do with the EFC site I was told and I doubt that a new messageboard will be put into place as most AFL clubs are cracking down or taking them down on on their official sites.

I can go way back with the messageboard to the days when Brad ran it off his Monash homepage - more names to throw around from the past. Laurie Daley, Adam Gallasch (alleged jailbird from Adelaide) and PeterC and his right wing fascist views.

Hopefully, just hopefully I might be in the situation to announce something that ex-BomberTalkers may like in the next week or so. Just waiting for some legal jargon contracts to be worked out.
yeah- I remember reading the old old bombertalk page for about 6 months before I had the guts to post something myself- back in about mid 90's when I first ever got online. I remember Gusto esp, and people like Mel, The Doc etc, then in 99 we had a kewl crew includiing feltchy (Dan24's arch-rival), Egg etc etc, until the site gradually came to a halt. I posted a message on BT after the GF win- as Feltchy had posted a "where are these guys" type message asking where all the old regs had got to, and there was a response from almost everyone !!!! (mine dissappeared two days later- thus ending any patience I had left with the site).
But hopefully it'll get back up for the good of the club- Id prefer posting here now anyway- but the club does need its own dedictaed forum.
I prefer this format much more, because you can see the past posts in one giant thread. Unlike BT, where you could only see one message at a time.

Where is Feltchmonkey anyway ? We should get him on here. And Egg ? And Skills too....
Ricey..I was the original Rooboy on Bomberchat..I think the Bigfooty Rooboy may have been Rooboy96 and the Dutchman may have
been Max Crow..and Dan24 ..well he was just Dan..annoying on both chat forums.
Always liked "Manton" on the old bomberchat..a real piss taker was "Manton"
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by paddyl90 »

Fascinating read there Dom. Thanks a lot for that :)

I only joined in 2003/04 when I was 12 or 13 and I barely remember that :P

Look forward to your future posts on this topic.
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by Megan »

Very entertaining to look back on what was... lots of people I miss I'd love to see back, lots of people I do not, and certainly don't miss the drama and crap they bought with them.

I remember first accessing BT from college (would've been...1997) and was too scared to post 'cause the guys were verbally aggressive esp towards chicks :roll:
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by Mrs Mercuri »

wow 15 years...... great effort.

Happy to be a part of it!! :D
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by hop »

Happy Birthday B.T.

Same age as my daughter - and just as spoilt, pretentious and demanding. Still you got to love 'em!!!!!!
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by Jazz_84 »

wow that's amazing, thanks! i came i think about 2004, i wish i was around here in 2000, now that would have been a buzzing time in here
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by robrulz5 »

Pretty good effort for one website to change, develop and stay around for so long. I started posting in 2002 so this will be my 10th season posting and it doesn't seem that long!
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by grassy1 »

Yeah,happy to see it run for Mugs like your's truly to have his say.

Net some good people through it.Cheers.May it run for 150 more years and more,.... :wink:
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by paddyl90 »

grassy1 wrote:Yeah,happy to see it run for Mugs like your's truly to have his say.

Net some good people through it.Cheers.May it run for 150 more years and more,.... :wink:
whAATTT haVEeee YoooUUU dooNNNEee wiiiTTTThhhh GGrraASsy!!!!! ;)
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by rockhole »

Grassy needs to re post. Could not read.!!!
Too far for Baker now he's on to it, now he’s got it, OPEN GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Dons are in front by one point at the 8 minute mark
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by j-mac31 »

LOL Max Power - he's the man with name you'd love to toooouuuch, but you musn't tooouuuch.

I seem to remember JohnG, that's it from the above names.
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by robbie67 »

j-mac31 wrote:I seem to remember JohnG, that's it from the above names.
I still go to the footy with JohnG, and Dodgey. Two of the greatest blokes you could ever wish to meet.
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by robbie67 »

I'm pretty sure it was MaxPower who along with Moorcroft who started BB? Megan, and a few others and I used to go over there on Tuesdays when they had a live chat room.
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by Rossoneri »

Johng is frank dunnell over at bb. Slugger is an#10, moorcroft29 is now mendozzzza, and robbie67 is grant Thomas! I joined in 2000 I think, jumped on the bandwagon!
He kicks on the left
He kicks on the riiiiiiiiigggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhttttttttttttt
That boy Hurley
Makes Riewoldt look shite!
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by Megan »

Ahh yes, they did too Rob! I think they started BB cause BT was too policed, due to it being part of the official site and therefor answering to the EFC. Which was fair enough. I remember BT briefly had a chat room too, used to talk to some daft slapper who claimed to be Danny Jacobs cousin and who was dating Ted Richards...
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by Windy_Hill »

I think I started on here in either 2001 or 02. BT remains, for this expat, my number one source of information on the club and I would be lost without it.
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by dom_105 »

From the thread: How much does Adam McPhee Look like Nick Riewolt? - Jan 06
Amanda 827
When I first saw Adam McPhee and Nick Riewolt, I couldn't believe how much they looked alike! I thought they were brothers! Relply and tell me what you think
Thanks amanda for telling us, none of us realised this. Thankyou for this news-breaking news
J/K mate, yeah they do look alike
lol yeah they do a bit hey
ACTUALLY Adam is older than Nick by a small margin so it's actually NICK that looks like Adam... promise.

Great News Amanda.
The Guy on top of me is rite Adam is older than Nick!!!!Nice Infomation Mate!!!!!!
hahaha take that megan
your a guy apparently
lol yeah i was wondering that aswell, must be her username its a bit hard to guess what gender she was hehe
Oh well at least you're on top of her...

I can throw out those bras and skirts and useless **** and sit around with one hand down my pants and the other around a beer!

Belinda, so I'm on top? But I don't know you... we haven't even had a nice date Oh, wait, I'm a guy now, schweeeeeet! Lets go
settle down big fella
HAHA funniest thing ive ever heard or read good work megan
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by Royza »

The original:

First visited the site just after its inception. I was mucking around with making websites at the time & thought that I'd make a Bombers one if I couldn't find a decent one.
HTML had just kicked into gear in 1995, and sites before then were just a page of text and links.

The forum existed at least in 1997, and possibly 1996. I remember some of us talking about Caracella's courageous mark against the Cats in 1997.

You used to be able to use the Internet Wayback Archive ( to retrieve posts as early as the late 90s for bombertalk.
Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work anymore.

I was one of the first posters and haven't changed my name. I still follow my usual pattern of posting after a game and crapping on about stats.

Bombertalk has always been well looked after by its users compared to other footy forums. Dickheads were chased away, & even some of the opposition mofos changed their ways & became regular posters. As the internet became popular in the mainstream, BT felt the heat from EFC when at the time, lawyers around the globe decided that forums were a good way to seek defamation claims, etc.. So the forum left the EFC site.

BT is the only forum I contribute to. I've been to BB (the site itself is a good read), but the forum has too many dumb posts, and some of the people are too obnoxious for my liking. I like its pinned Current Injury & Contract Status Thread (with nicknames), which saves people from asking the same questions over and over. Maybe we can do something similar here.

Also, I wasn't one of the many that bagged Lucas in the 90s [-X
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by dom_105 »

I assume that there was a lot of this stuff going on back in the day.

From the thread: Lloyd is mine - Jan 00
Casey Lloyd
Lloyd is hottest afl player in the entire time Afl has been around, he has the skills, he has the moves and by gee he has the body! wouldnt u love to be tackled by that hunk? ohh yes please LLOYD IS THE KING stuff wayne Carey LLOYD FOR NEW KING
lloyds honey
YOu've got that right! He most certainly is the hottest footy player alive!!! As far as Wayne Carey goes, he was never the king! Matty is the king!!!!!
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Re: BomberTalk 15th Anniversary

Post by Megan »

Yeah esp. around 2000 we had a LOT of feral chick groupies. I think the few females we have in here now are actual FOOTY fans, no just following individual players they like the look of... which makes for better reading for everyone. My fellow females ashame me sometimes. Esp. whn they CALL ME A DUDE.
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