f*** off..c***

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Re: f*** off..

Post by tonysoprano »

You legend MH. You're love for our Bombers more than makes up for your love of the Labor party. :wink:
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Re: f*** off..

Post by BenDoolan »

auditor wrote:For what it's worth Graham Cornes Vs Michelangelo Rucci...on Adelaide radio last night.

10 mins in.

http://www.fiveaa.com.au/audio_graham-c ... ory_107010
Hmmmm........very interesting.

Dank wont be doing the EFC any favours. Hopefully he will have a conscience and help out the players though....
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Re: f*** off..

Post by tonysoprano »

BenDoolan wrote:
auditor wrote:For what it's worth Graham Cornes Vs Michelangelo Rucci...on Adelaide radio last night.

10 mins in.

http://www.fiveaa.com.au/audio_graham-c ... ory_107010
Hmmmm........very interesting.

Dank wont be doing the EFC any favours. Hopefully he will have a conscience and help out the players though....
If its true he has something from ASADA that gives him or the club approval for its program last year, wouldn't ASADA have a copy of that too?
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Re: f*** off..

Post by Mrs Mercuri »

MH_Bomber wrote:One of my complaints to The Age's digital story was published. They since changed the photo that appeared with the story yesterday from a Bomber jumper to a picture of Steven Dank.

The journo from Sydney (SMH) actually emailed me back. I suggested to him to follow the real story which is why we were given the green light by ASADA / WADA or both for our supplements program in 2012 and therefore it is unreasonable for us to be punished. It seems to me that this is where the real story lies. I.e. the governing bodies ill informing athletes and their representatives, possibly change the rules after that fact and then seeking to punish the likes of the Essendon Football Club for their own shortcomings.

http://www.theage.com.au/sport/asada-se ... 2pgie.html
We Bomber fans are heartily sick of the journalists, editors and whoever decides what goes into the paper and digital version of your publication crucifying the Essendon Football Club at every juncture in relation to this story.

The Essendon Football Club has cooperated from DAY 1 with the ASADA investigation. So why, on The Age website, do a see Essendon jumper as part of the presentation of your story about those that don’t cooperate ? This is a typical example of kind thing that we have been confronted with since the story broke.

Get you act together, get your facts straight and stop trying to be judge jury and executioner in regards my football club.

Date and time
July 05, 2013, 4:58PM
LEGEND!! You go girl!! =D> =D>

I have boycotted all the papers and online articles since the story broke and got very quickly out of hand.
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Re: f*** off..

Post by BenDoolan »

tonysoprano wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
auditor wrote:For what it's worth Graham Cornes Vs Michelangelo Rucci...on Adelaide radio last night.

10 mins in.

http://www.fiveaa.com.au/audio_graham-c ... ory_107010
Hmmmm........very interesting.

Dank wont be doing the EFC any favours. Hopefully he will have a conscience and help out the players though....
If its true he has something from ASADA that gives him or the club approval for its program last year, wouldn't ASADA have a copy of that too?
Well of course. But ASADA are in a compromising position aren't they. Here we have investigators (ASADA) investigating the use of a substance they (ASADA) have "allegedly" given permission to use (which is banned under WADA S0). I'd imagine the investigators (ASADA) would try to deflect any trail leading back to themselves.....but they may know deep down it will unravel if Dank produces the smoking gun. Hence the delays I would suspect.
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Re: f*** off..

Post by tonysoprano »

Yeah, what I meant was - Dank claimed right from the start that ASADA gave him the go ahead. I would have thought they might have checked that back in Feb - said yeah right we did say ok, but from this point on it's not. Would have saved everyone 5 months worth of work and stress. But given they didn't - I don't know what to think.
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Re: f*** off..

Post by BenDoolan »

tonysoprano wrote:Yeah, what I meant was - Dank claimed right from the start that ASADA gave him the go ahead. I would have thought they might have checked that back in Feb - said yeah right we did say ok, but from this point on it's not. Would have saved everyone 5 months worth of work and stress. But given they didn't - I don't know what to think.
Well, lets just say Dank is dead right. ASADA as an agency wouldn't want to be seen to be giving permission to a substance that is prohibited under the WADA code. It would be an admission of absolute incompetence. As an agency, they would find it hard to believe that one of their staff gave wrong advice. Can you imagine the fallout if / when this is proven?

Perhaps the staffer has been identified and has denied any knowledge. It then all depends on Dank's evidence. And because Dank doesn't want to cooperate with this investigation, it becomes an unsubstantiated allegation.
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Re: f*** off..

Post by JockStraps »

I get the feeling we will be exonerated on the drug scandal…the problem is that the AFL will feel compelled by the rabid mob to do something and it’s a case of whether we will take the medicine simply to put the matter behind us or fight any sanctions through the courts. It won’t endear us to the footballing community nor the AFL but if we have genuinely been mislead by ASADA then the club has every right to defend its reputation, premiership points and players.

Here is how I reckon it has panned out

1) Thompson tells Hird that we need to bulk up the players
2) Hird mentions The Weap and points to the success at Geelong
3) The Weap comes on board and tells HIrd about the latest in therapeutic supplement programs and knows a guy who can help
4) Dank meets Hird and confirms what the Weap has told him. Yes, there are supplements that can help deal with player development
5) Hird questions the legality of these supps and Dank assures him that they are perfectly legal, albeit pushing the enevelope. Dank produces an email from ASADA confirming the legality
6) Hird is excited and they see some immediate results – Hird pushes Dank to keep the program going but just to be careful not to contravene ASADA rules.
7) Dank, empowered by this ups the ante and starts a clinical injection program. The players are told its all clear and are asked to sign Consent forms which confirm that they are fully aware of the supplement program and its legality
8) Rumours about Essendon’s supp program begin to leak - some clubs are already suspicious about the sudden development of certain Essendon players
9) Injuries begin to appear, at first nothing unusual but by mid year its clear that the soft tissue plague is more than just a bad run of luck
10) By season’s end and after suffering 8 losses in a row and missing finals, The Weap is suspended without pay – clearly the club officials are now trying top link Dank and The Weap as being responsible
11) The club unearths reimbursement claims from Dank which have not been authorized. This is probably all they need to start seriously looking at what has been going on.
12) Dank is sacked for breaching club financial protocols – this must have been a very messy dismissal as clearly Dank believes he did nothing wroing
13) Dank, completely aggrieved, seeks wrongful dismissal advice from his lawyers. He keeps with him the one piece of evidence that Essendon needs to ensure their supps program is legitimate. The ASADA letter.
14) Essendon start investigating the supps program – they are also contacted by the ACC in regards to criminal activity in relation to the illegal importation of banned supps
15) Evans, Robson and Hird are now thinking we could be in deep shit but are somewhat comforted by the ACC report suggesting that AOD 9064 is fully legal
16) Nevertheless, EFC contact ASADA and are horrified to find out that AOD9064 is in fcat a banned substance under the catch all clause
17) EFC call Danks and ask for the letter from ASADA – Danks says sorry, but piss off. He feels he owes them nothing and being the clever dude he is, also knows that he cannot be investigated under any ASADA process. Danks is probably holding out for a golden handshake from EFC but plays the victim for all the media. Smart guy
18) Investigation from ASADA commences
19) Speculation runs riot
20) All along however, Essendon remains supremely confident that it has done nothing wrong – we will be in a very good position at the end of this states Hird. Yet their own internal report suggests that the club completely failed in its application of due process.
21) More rumours and aggrieved player comments (see Reimers add fuel to the fire)
22) Weeks pass and just as the matter seems to be heading towards its final outcome, the ASADA report, Jobe goes on air and announces he has been injected with what he believed to be AOD9064. Does this mean he believes AOD9064 to be legal but thinks that maybe he was injected with something else that may not be legal? Sounds like a plan

So where do we go from here. If the above is how its panned out, then clearly the Dons have said, ok ASADA, you go through your processes to make sure everyone gets out of this with their noses clean. ASADA has clearly f***** up somewhere along the line and I am sure in regards to AOD9064, they have given the all clear due to confusion over its legal status. I would imagine however that they are tracking us on other drugs such as Hexarelin and Thymosin 4. These carry potentially severe penalties as they are confirmed as illegal for athletes (but not coaches)

At the end of the day, no Essendon player has returned a positive drug test for a banned substance. This must also bring into question the legality or otherwise of AOD9064 as surely, given the alleged quantities being taken by Essendon players, it would have come out in one of the many random drug tests performed by ASADA during the season. If it was illegal, then Essendon would have been nabbed through random testing after the first week of the season. The players were clearly receiving the stuff in copious amounts so why didn’t we get caught???

The issue to me comes done to ASADA not registering AOD9064 as a banned substance or listed under the catch all clause – perhaps the drug was banned but for Essendon to have used it, surely they must have been lead to believe that it was all clear. If it wasn’t and they were merely relying on Dank’s word then that’s another thing. But why on earth would Danks, as nutty as he may be, take the risk of administering a banned substance in such amounts when this could only land him in extremely hot water, criminal suits potentially. No, Dank may be nutty, but he is not going to write himself a first class ticket to Barwon Penitentiary just to make Fletch look a little more buffed. Intent is everything in this case, if the players, club and Dankshad no intent to cheat, then why would they. Knowing that the penalties can be severe, why would they even consider doing something outside the rules? It just doesn’t make sense. Its clear that the intent was to gain some small advantage by using some more exotic but legal treatments…This is no different to club medicos giving players a pain killer before a game to help carry a niggle. Its no different to the players using a hyperbaric chamber to help recovery or even standing knee deep in cold water at Kerford Rd St Kilda. Its all about pushing the envelope. But there is a limit to this and whilst AOD may be a bit grey in respect to what it actually does to help the body, its very clear from the experts that it is not a PED.

In the end, I reckon to appease the masses we will cop of nasty fine for having taking liberties with player safety – but I cannot see how the club can lose Premiership Points or Draft picks if it is indeed proven that ASADA mislead Danks on the use of these supps. Likewise, the players will avoid suspension which is why Jobe felt confident enough to say what he said. Other club fans will bleat and carry on, no doubt. But if ASADA f***** up, then the onus will be on ASADA to release a very clearly worded apology to the Essendon Footy Club to make it patently clear to all and sundry that we did not cheat
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Re: f*** off..

Post by Sismis »

I think it's pretty clear that our defense is going to be the status of AOD9064 as a banned substance. The only thing putting it in that category ATM is the fact that it has not been "approved for use".

It is well documented that it is not performance enhancing. As an age aritcle that appears somewhere earlier in this thread states, it has not been "approved for use", but it also does not require this to be administered by medical professionals.
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Re: f*** off..

Post by s'dreams »

And by the way... Im thoroughly sick of Dwayne Russell and scott Gulian, in their respective radio commentries duringf Sun's match, saying every three minutes that the EFC were likely to be strippped of any points this year... so even though the club was playing to retain 3rd position rather than slip to 5th ... they constantly slagged off and shat on us even bothering to play...

f*** me dead...

One even went so far to read some of the crappy tweets about Jobe getting "justice" with being injured ... with mock shock that punters would do so (so why read the f****** things out???)

Pity the ****tard commentators aren't doing the same about some others today ... but that would assume a level playing field re attitudes to players ...

dices ad adepto futui (tell them to f*** off)
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Re: f*** off..

Post by BenDoolan »

There will be a book on this shit one day. The club will make millions.
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Re: f*** off..

Post by s'dreams »

And now the sub-par chinese wacko factory quality tool Russell is stating that the "CONSESUS is that Essendon will be stripped of all points" as the 2 year ban will commence from last year!!! With support from the EFC!!! Tony Shaw tried to argue that they haven't been found guilty yet but Russell conutered that the AFL doesn't want EFC playing finals let alone appearing in the GF.

Forget about due process or natural justice... Hung, quartered and then tried ...

Dwanye Russell --- MORON of the year!!

I'm considering boycotting purchasing products from all advertisers of 3AW until this fool is gone...

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Re: f*** off..

Post by Megan »

Maybe I'm slow. And maybe this has been discussed already and I skimmed it cause I'm bored to f*** with the whole topic.


With all this shit going on, with all the allegations, correct me if I'm wrong but... none of our sponsors have walked, have they? Surely if they thought there was a sniff of a drug problem they'd be out? Plenty others have walked for less. There would be no breach of contract as we're not exactly hiding that there are concerns, enough to make a major sponsor not want to be mixed up in it.

I would imagine the club has contacted the major sponsors and had a word in their ear... if they're confident that their brand isn't going to be damaged by the allegations, then I'm feeling happy that we're sitting on a LOT of info yet to be disclosed to the public, info that leaves us sitting comfortably.
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Re: f*** off..

Post by dom_105 »

Not to mention the players who have signed on the dotted line this year.

Player agents and parents surely would have got in the ear of players like Mark Baguley & Jackson Merrett if they were concerned about what is coming in the future.
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Re: f*** off..

Post by bomberchampion »

dom_105 wrote:Not to mention the players who have signed on the dotted line this year.

Player agents and parents surely would have got in the ear of players like Mark Baguley & Jackson Merrett if they were concerned about what is coming in the future.
Been told we will only cope a massive fine. This source came from an assistants coaches mouth.
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Re: f*** off..

Post by Jazz_84 »

yep Im increasingly confident no players or the team as a whole will be affected in all this, just the clubs bottom line.... I wonder if we can ask for a hand out straight away like Melbourne has ? :lol:
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Re: f*** off..

Post by hop »

Jazz_84 wrote:yep Im increasingly confident no players or the team as a whole will be affected in all this, just the clubs bottom line.... I wonder if we can ask for a hand out straight away like Melbourne has ? :lol:
We don't do hand-outs or tin rattling.

We will find the money :wink:
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Re: f*** off..

Post by little_ripper »

Dank has come out and said the players will be fine.

Its a fight between the clubs medical staff(ex in danks case) and asada it seems. Really hope it stays that ways otherwise it will get messy.
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Re: f*** off..

Post by Sismis »

hop wrote:
Jazz_84 wrote:yep Im increasingly confident no players or the team as a whole will be affected in all this, just the clubs bottom line.... I wonder if we can ask for a hand out straight away like Melbourne has ? :lol:
We don't do hand-outs or tin rattling.

We will find the money :wink:
up we'll just offload some of our stash.
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Re: f*** off..

Post by tonysoprano »

Sorry to bring this up again but that maggot Wilson is adamant that we will lose prem. Points and draft picks AND Hird will be suspended for 3 to 6 months.

This is f****** bullshit.
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