Giving Sodom Insane what he wants..

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Giving Sodom Insane what he wants..

Post by Filthy »

He is a dog and deserves all he is getting but we should be locking him up for life in solitary like they did (sort of) to Hess...

And by the way the "non-civil war" Rodent.

Saddam farewells his family in 'high spirits'
Lauren Frayer, Baghdad
December 30, 2006

AS SADDAM Hussein farewelled his family in anticipation of his imminent execution, Americans were bracing themselves for their 3000th military death in Iraq, a milestone that is probably only days away.

The ousted president bade two half-brothers farewell on Thursday, a lawyer said. Another said the US had called him to organise the handover of Saddam's personal effects, indicating his imminent release to the Iraqis.

A senior Bush Administration official said Saddam could go to the gallows as soon as today but an Iraqi cabinet minister said a week-long religious holiday would stall any execution.

"He was in very high spirits and clearly readying himself," Badie Aref, another defence lawyer, said after Saddam met half-brothers Watban and Sabawi, who are also both held at Camp Cropper, near Baghdad Airport.

"He told them he was happy he would meet his death at the hands of his enemies and be a martyr, not just languish in jail. He . . . gave them letters to his family in anticipation."

A US military spokesman confirmed that Saddam was still being held at a US-run prison. Earlier, CBS News reported a US military officer as saying Saddam would be turned over to the Iraqis in the next 36 hours for the hanging.

As US officials and Iraqis expressed concern about the potential for even worse bloodshed following Saddam's execution, the US military reported the deaths of five more troops in Iraq.

The deaths bring to 2988 the number of US troops who have died there since the war began in March 2003. The news came as some of the war's chief neoconservative proponents, Richard Perle, Kenneth Adelman and David Frum, spoke in Vanity Fair of their despair at the Bush Administration's incompetence in handling Iraq.

Despite claiming his statements had been "distorted" by the magazine, Mr Perle was quoted saying: "I think if I had . . . seen where we are today, and people had said, 'Should we go into Iraq?', I think now I probably would have said, 'No, let's consider other strategies . . ."

When the war began, Iraq was a "doable do", to use a military planner's phrase cited by David Frum.

But Mr Frum, the former speechwriter who co-wrote Mr Bush's 2002 "axis of evil" speech, said a US defeat in Iraq might be inescapable because "the insurgency has proven it can kill anyone who co-operates, and the United States and its friends have failed to prove that it can protect them".

Organisers say about 140 demonstrations in 37 US states are planned to mark the 3000th US military death in Iraq.

Tens of thousands of Iraqis have been killed since the war began. At least 30 Iraqis died yesterday in bombings and shootings, including a suicide bombing in Baghdad that killed 10 people. Police said 42 bodies of tortured men were found dumped in Baghdad."

temporary stevo
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Post by temporary stevo »

yes, the death sentence is pointless. much better to lock him away... it humiliates him, he has become pathetic and powerless. his tirades during the trial were embarassing, the signs of someone desperate to demonstrate that he is still virile and worthy of respect (awe?). better to let him continue on in that vein.
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Post by pevfan »

Yes Filth, that man Howard!!.....(Deep sighs) He won't even concede that the Vietnam War was a mistake. And here he is sending his fellow obsequious little partner in crime, Downer back over there again still sooling them on in their illegal war. You know, if I were the parent of one of the U.S. Soldiers killed or maimed in Iraq I reckon I'd be asking of Howard/Downer...Who are you to be coming over here urging our boys on to their deaths...How many of your boys have you won't even serve in any of the danger zones. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating that we do put our boys harms way over there, far from it...I want them Home, but definitely.

I just wonder how it would have gone down in any of the World Wars if we had said to Britain, yes we're right behind you but don't expect us to actually get involved in any fighting.

He's obviously got Bush's blessing over this policy but what happens after Bush goes, the next President, especially if he or she is a Democrat might not be so accommodating. It was said of John Kerry before the last Presidential elections that he would take a different approach to Australia's involvement and that he would have demanded a more active role. If the Iraq disaster is still with us after the next presidential elections, then the Rodent may be faced with some serious dilemmas...given that he is still PM.

Post by Filthy »

Told you so.

"Saddam death not dignified, says Bush (well, duh!!)

Ibon Villelabeitia, Baghdad
January 7, 2007

US President George Bush says Saddam Hussein could have been hanged in a more dignified way, while one of his closest Arab allies says the hanging has turned the former Iraqi dictator into a martyr.

In his first comments on the televised hanging, which has inflamed sectarian passions in Iraq before an announcement this week of a new US war strategy, Mr Bush said he expected the Iraqi Government to conduct an investigation but that the execution was just.

"I wish, obviously, that the proceedings had ... gone in a more dignified way. But nevertheless, he was given justice," Mr Bush said.

"We expect there to be a full investigation of what took place."

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, one of Washington's closest allies in the Middle East, joined the chorus of critics, saying pictures of the execution were "revolting and barbaric". He told the mass-circulation Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot:

"No one will ever forget the way in which Saddam was executed. They turned him into a martyr."

Since the hanging eight days ago, Saddam's public image in the Arab world has undergone a resurgence of admiration.

On the streets, in newspapers and on the internet, he has emerged as a Sunni Arab hero who stood calm and composed as his Shiite executioners tormented and abused him.

Mr Mubarak said the timing of the hanging was "unreasonable" and he had written to Mr Bush asking him to postpone it. Iraq's Government has said the US asked for a two-week delay.

"The pictures of the execution were revolting and barbaric, and I am not discussing here whether he deserved it or not. As for the trial, all experts in international law said it was an illegal trial because it was under occupation," Mr Mubarak said.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki brushed aside the rising international criticism, saying the hanging was an "internal affair" for his country.

"We consider the execution of the dictator an internal affair that concerns only the Iraqi people," Mr Maliki said yesterday.

"The execution of the despot was not a political decision, as suggested by the enemies of Iraqi people."

The hanging last Saturday came on the first day of the Islamic Eid al-Adha holiday. Two of Saddam's aides, also convicted for crimes against humanity, will hang shortly, Iraqi officials say.

Investigators said they had identified two guards who illicitly filmed images of the execution, which show observers yelling "Go to hell" and chanting the name of a radical Shiite cleric and militia leader moments before Saddam is hanged.

Suspicious of the Shiite majority's rise to power in Iraq since Saddam was toppled, thousands of Sunni Arabs have vented their anger at the execution.

In Iran, an influential Shiite cleric accused the US of using the execution to stoke tensions between Shiites and Sunnis: "America's method is to start sectarian differences," hardline cleric Ahmad Khatami told worshippers at Friday prayers in a sermon broadcast on state radio.

Under pressure to change course in a war in which more than 3000 US soldiers have died since the 2003 invasion, Mr Bush is to install a new US ambassador in Iraq and pick new military commanders there, wrapping up a complete change of top officials responsible for the war.

Demonstrations against Saddam's execution continue across the Sunni Arab world, from Morocco to Beirut and Pakistan.

In Libya, a Government statement said a statue would be erected depicting Saddam on the gallows.

Two Iraqi interpreters kidnapped with an American citizen late on Friday were found murdered in central Basra yesterday.

Earlier, US embassy spokesman Louis Fintor confirmed that an American private security contractor was abducted, bringing to six the number of contractors now held hostage in Iraq."

Bush is so dumb....and WE are all tied to his coat tails via the Rodent. We may be rid of the Rodent in 9 months but the world has 2 more years of Bush. :evil:
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Post by spikefan »

Sunni, Shiite, secular, sectarian, cleric, fundamentalist ..... give the guy a break, he was never told he had to comprehend so many words with so many letters when he got the job. Now even his daddy's friends are saying he is dumb.

Maybe come election time even the Rodent will also have discovered that Bush is dumb ... rodents always leave a sinking ship.... anyway nine month to go ....

Bush is a lame duck, I doubt the democratic congress will let him do much damage, and they will keep him busy with investigation after investigation.
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