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Post by Filthy »

My nephew in law, a maggot told the family that Spike is a raving lunatic crossing the white line.

What he said to the maggot that got him a 50 and a 9 pointer against us that cost us the game against the Scum, was replayed to the maggots at maggot training (they're miked up).

They said you don't have to put up with that and its 50 every time and a possible report.

So there you go....shut the f*** up spike. :evil:
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Post by ZRS »

what did he say?
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48.6 sismis to ZRS, SIX, Display of Raw power and brutality by ZRS

Post by Filthy »

ZRS wrote:what did he say?
He was questioning (quite rightly too...trouble is....you can't do it!!) the little bald maggots sexuality (a top or bottom bloke?), whether his father and mother had actually met, his eyesight being affected by too much masturbation....you know....the usual insults with appropriate good, old fashioned Anglo-Saxon swear words, one does to ensure that one gives away 50's and loses you games. :wink:

Seriously though the great un named maggot said he is a marked man by ALL the maggots. Needs a bigger mouthguard to muffle the insults.
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Post by Windy_Hill »

The Maggots should get over it - so what if a players swears abuse at them!!!

99% of people other than the player and Maggot are blissfully unaware.

However, what goes on without anyone missing it is the appaling umpiring and decision making. Thats out there for all to see!!

Is it any wonder the players go nuts???!!

Post by Filthy »

Windy_Hill wrote:The Maggots should get over it - so what if a players swears abuse at them!!!

99% of people other than the player and Maggot are blissfully unaware.

However, what goes on without anyone missing it is the appaling umpiring and decision making. Thats out there for all to see!!

Is it any wonder the players go nuts???!!
Agree 100% Windy...trouble is that they are a protected species and Spike and the rest of us just have to deal with it.....giving up 50m just isn't on just because you can't control your mouth on $300k a year.....it hurts way to much.
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Post by BERT »

It isn't the maggots fault though. It's the directions they get from Geish. Same as the in the back rule. Can't blame the umpires for paying it because if they don't they will be out of work.
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Post by Megan »

Umps giving 50s for gobbing off is nothing but a power trip, just reminding them that you can carry on to everyone us EXCEPT FOR ME, minion.

Stupid rule, but the keyword there is rule. My ex used to ump the junior teams in the local footy and all the parents HATED him because he sent kids off for carrying on, at the end of the day it IS a rule and they WERE under bloody 13. Parents should be happy with it ;)
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Post by spikefan »

Filth. I happen to know Mark (aka Spike) a bit through a club program and I can tell you he is far from a raving lunatic, actually he is a really top bloke: mature, articulate, funny, good family man... Together with his work ethics, his passion and his skills he is a real asset for the club.

I do not condone verbal abuse (even when totally deserved) and I agree that shutting up his mouth is the best policy, but while I respect the umpire function I would expect the umpires to show some maturity also and just do their job enforcing the rules rather that be consistently vindictive and on a power trip. The quality of umpiring wrt McVeigh's tackling is plain shocking IMHO. :evil:

Maybe something you should discuss with you nephew in law, misguided umpiring has much more consequences that just one player case, at the end it can drive people away from the code or give us (god forbid) instant replay like in NFL and Rugby union.
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Post by BenDoolan »

Filthy wrote:
ZRS wrote:what did he say?
Seriously though the great un named maggot said he is a marked man by ALL the maggots. Needs a bigger mouthguard to muffle the insults.
It worries me when you say he is a "marked" man. Every incident should be judged on merit, not by whom, and to do otherwise would be unprofessional. If he oversteps the mark, then fair enough, but it sounds like he is given less latitude because of who he is.

So are we going to see the sort of stupid 50 metres paid like to Mark Johnson when he called Amon Buchanan a "weak dog" scenario?

Post by Filthy »

spikefan wrote:Filth. I happen to know Mark (aka Spike) a bit through a club program and I can tell you he is far from a raving lunatic, actually he is a really top bloke: mature, articulate, funny, good family man... Together with his work ethics, his passion and his skills he is a real asset for the club.

I do not condone verbal abuse (even when totally deserved) and I agree that shutting up his mouth is the best policy, but while I respect the umpire function I would expect the umpires to show some maturity also and just do their job enforcing the rules rather that be consistently vindictive and on a power trip. The quality of umpiring wrt McVeigh's tackling is plain shocking IMHO. :evil:

Maybe something you should discuss with you nephew in law, misguided umpiring has much more consequences that just one player case, at the end it can drive people away from the code or give us (god forbid) instant replay like in NFL and Rugby union.
Just passing on what I heard Spike....I am on Mark side 100%...at family do's I leave the room when the maggot comes in and talks shop.

Just tell him (Mark) the maggots have him in the gun. :oops:

PS Nothing wrong with white fever....just at the ball please. :wink:
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Post by Megan »

Unfortunately BD the umpires, as much as they claim not to do it, do have people they single out - this was made clear with the McLaren incident and that St Kilda plane thing.
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Post by jimmyc1985 »

I think the umps being able to give a 50m penalty for genuine abuse is completely merited. In plenty of other sports the player can be ejected from the field of play or reported for abusive language: Union, basketball, soccer and NRL are the ones that spring to mind. If you directly insult an umpire, why shouldn't you be punished?

Where i draw the somewhat arbitrary line is at instances where the umpires have paid 50m penalties for a player being frustrated (and presumably swearing), but not directing that frustration directly at the umpire. For example, where players feel hard done by an umpire's decision and they just yell out in a general direction away from the umpire (i.e. turn 180 degrees and shout out "FARKN HELL!"), i see that as a healthy venting of frustration, however i've noticed that players are also being penalised for that at times (best example being Mark Johnson calling Amon Buchanan a "Weak C***". This i disagree with. Kind of like arguing with your parents: if you tell your parents to f-off to their faces, then i can understand them wanting to punish you, but if you're frustrated by something they've done and you let out a non-direction specific expletive, then no problems.

So, in short: direct abuse at the umpire copping a 50m penalty is completely fair game, but players being penalised for general bad language/abuse that is not directed at the umpire should never be paid as a penalty.
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Post by Essendon4eva »

Instead of abusing the Umps, everytime there is a stupid free kick paid we need to start a new chant.

'Fire Jeff!' 'Fire Jeff!"
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Post by F111 »

Personally, I favour the scenario where the only player that can speak to the umpire is the captain.

No grey zone, ...if you even speak at or to the umpire, it's a free or a 50 if a free already given.

Shut the f#*k up and get on with the footy.

The crowd can take care of the umpires.
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Post by BenDoolan »

Megan wrote:Unfortunately BD the umpires, as much as they claim not to do it, do have people they single out - this was made clear with the McLaren incident and that St Kilda plane thing.
Yeah, this is where I get pissed off. It is obvious that McVeigh has at times abused the umpires. It is now obvious that the umpires now "target" him for #1 paying a soft free kick against him #2 paying a 50 metre against him when he reacts to the soft free kick. In other words, they bait him, and then they gut him.....

It's all well and good to criticise McVeigh for "undisciplined" acts on the field, but there is also another "undisciplined" act at work here methinks.
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Post by BenDoolan »

jimmyc1985 wrote:
best example being Mark Johnson calling Amon Buchanan a "Weak C***". This i disagree with. Kind of like arguing with your parents: if you tell your parents to f-off to their faces, then i can understand them wanting to punish you, but if you're frustrated by something they've done and you let out a non-direction specific expletive, then no problems.
The actual words that came through the ump mike was "GET UP YOU WEAK DOG". He paid a 50 (for what I have no f****** idea, even Robbo was flabbergasted in the commentary box), and that was the day I nearly put my fist through the TV. I was that irate I was prepared to give the sport up. The "reason" the umpire gave for that penalty was that MJ used the "F" word, but it was muffled out somehow (yeah, bullshit). In any case, what was the problem if he did use it?

Just thought I'd clear up the actual words that were broadcasted. I agree with the sentiments of your post.... :wink:
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Post by spikefan »

BenDoolan wrote: Yeah, this is where I get pissed off. It is obvious that McVeigh has at times abused the umpires. It is now obvious that the umpires now "target" him for #1 paying a soft free kick against him #2 paying a 50 metre against him when he reacts to the soft free kick. In other words, they bait him, and then they gut him.....

It's all well and good to criticise McVeigh for "undisciplined" acts on the field, but there is also another "undisciplined" act at work here methinks.
That was my point exactly and the point of this thread: there is no way that abusing the umps verbally is acceptable, but targeting players with biased umpiring is not acceptable either.

The solution: McVeigh to shut up and the umps to show their fair mindedness by not systematically paying soft free kicks against him. It should work both ways... too simple perhaps.
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