The R67 rant.

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The R67 rant.

Post by robbie67 »

It's fair to say the club from The President all the way down to the supporters are pissing me off at the moment. These are the people (and groups of people) who are at the top of my shit list right now.

Ray Horsborough - I dont know if you have been paying attention Sir, but this club does not air its dirty laundry in public. You have made your decision, now fking show some leadership, and live with it. The media does not deserve any more comment on why Sheedy was sacked, and if you have any brains, you will now just shut the fk up. Our club sets the damn agenda on these matters, not the media. By the way, the whole Bomber/Williams charade makes you look like a rank amatuer.

Kevin Sheedy - I love you Sheeds, but FFS get over yourself. It had to happen one day, and your record of late has been modest to say the least. Yes it all could have been handled better, but it wouldnt have mattered when and how it was handled, you'd still be upset, and hurt. We are not your fking client, we are your family. Your family thinks it's time for you to stop going to work everyday, and spend some time with the grand kids. Stop acting like a bitter old twat.

Alec Epis - You have acheived what you have spent your whole time on the board wanting, and now it's time to fk off, and be usefull. You shouldnt be allowed to do anymore but put the witches hats out at training.

Garry O'Donnell - Are you going to stand by, and let other people run the agenda for you? Get some balls, and come out and say how much you would love to coach the club, and what you think you can contribute. No ones going to blow your trumpet for you.

Matthew Lloyd - Start acting like a skipper of a great club, and less like a sulky prat. On the field, try going and getting the fking pill, and kick some important goals. Off the field, stop carrying yourself like you are the club.

Selection Committee - If you are letting Sheedy get away with the crap that he has pulled at selection this week, you should all immediately resign.

Adam McPhee - If you want to be an elite player, start playing like one. This group needs some leadership, and I for one dont expect the likes of Ryder, and Gumbleton to be the ones providing it.

Andrew Lovett - Your'e not special, you're just a footballer. One that is wasting his ability at that. Stop fking sulking, and start playing each game likes its your first and last.

Save or whoever the fk they are - Just go away, before you turn us into the club you supposedly are trying to protect us from becoming.

General supporters - Get feral FFS. We used to be the loudest supporters in the about being spoiled fking rotten.

Their are more, but that will do for now.
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Post by ace076 »

Take a bow Robbie, couldn't agree more on EVERY point!!!

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Post by dom_105 »

Gringo didn't make the list? :)

Can't argue with any of that really. I think it's time to button down, for everybody to just shut up, don't give any air to the media etc.
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Post by swoodley »

Best rant I've read since ace076's rant at MH_Bomber on the EPL thread :D
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Post by Jazz_84 »

very true on every point..... get that Post out in the media some how PLEASE!!
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Post by gringo »

Some of what you are saying makes sense. The following does not:

Sheedy is past his prime. Yet his somewhat inconsistent approach to coaching recently is a direct result of the way EFC has treated him. Anyone who thinks that EFC would be the powerhouse it is today without Sheedy is indulging in ridiculous levels of fiddling. Whilst EFC were entitled to, and in my opinion correct, not to renew Sheedy's contract, he was entitled to be treated with a unprecedented levels of respect and courtesy by EFC in his departure. His reaction is completelyexpected and justified.

Gary O'Donnel has been a tremendous servant of EFC and it is not for you nor any other cretin that posts on this site to dictate how he should behave.

Considering the players around him, Lloyd has been extremely patient as our club's captain and full-forward. He's tough, bleeds red and black, and is respectful of our players, the administration and supporters. The current plight of the club has nothing to do with Lloyd.

Correct on McPhee Lovett and the administration.

Generally, the posters on this site need to pull their collective heads out. The behaviour that you are accusing EFC of is precisely the behaviour you are now demonstrating.
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Post by jimmyc1985 »

gringo wrote:Whilst EFC were entitled to, and in my opinion correct, not to renew Sheedy's contract, he was entitled to be treated with a unprecedented levels of respect and courtesy by EFC in his departure. His reaction is completely expected and justified.
Bullshit. Sheedy's made it hard on himself. It wouldn't have mattered how the Board handled it, Sheedy still would've cracked the sads because:
a) He still thinks he's the best man for the job, he's always maintained that he wanted to keep coaching, and he's always maintained that he was going to have to be pushed rather than jump himself;
b) He hasn't recognised that he's past it, like a growing majority of us have; and
c) He has a very large ego.

Sheedy's departure was always going to end in some sort of tears, because that's the sort of person Sheedy is. Wouldn't have mattered if they knighted him upon announcing his departure, he still would've carried on. To suggest otherwise indicates you don't have an appreciation of the persona of Sheedy.
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Post by robbie67 »

gringo wrote:Some of what you are saying makes sense. The following does not:

Yet his somewhat inconsistent approach to coaching recently is a direct result of the way EFC has treated him.
How on earth could you possibly know this? To say that as a fact, is indulging in a level of "fiddling", even beyond what is expected of you.

His reaction is completelyexpected and justified.
Bullshit. Nobody is bigger than the club. Not even Sheedy. I used to go every week in the 70's, and I remember how awful we were before he arrived, and how much he has done to transform the place. Fact of the matter is that while his belief in himself has been a tremendous strength, whenever he was going to leave it was going to be an enormous negative. The Club and Sheedy have been good for each other. He shouldnt be allowed to do any damage on his way out.

Gary O'Donnel has been a tremendous servant of EFC and it is not for you nor any other cretin that posts on this site to dictate how he should behave.
I want O'Donnell to be the next coach of the EFC, but if the media reports are true, no one from the current coaching staff is even going to be considered. How can this possibly be the case? Of the untried coaches he easily has the most expeirence, and the best grounding. The man has to start beating his own drum. As for us "cretins", and what we owe the guy, well I dont know how much "service" he actually provided for us on GF day 2001? He is a pro, who serves and is paid by his masters, end of story
Considering the players around him, Lloyd has been extremely patient as our club's captain and full-forward. He's tough, bleeds red and black, and is respectful of our players, the administration and supporters. The current plight of the club has nothing to do with Lloyd.
What a load of crap. Anyone can lead when the going is good. He is not entitled to any say in who the next coach of the club should be, and the fact he thinks it, is a prime example of the arrogance he has been showing.

Generally, the posters on this site need to pull their collective heads out. The behaviour that you are accusing EFC of is precisely the behaviour you are now demonstrating.
Yeah, we should all be hopping on and off bandwagons like you do every other week. We should selectively use stats from past years to demonstrate how good/bad a player is performing now. Thank god, most of us are not fools like you.
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Re: The R67 rant.

Post by BenDoolan »

robbie67 wrote:It's fair to say the club from The President all the way down to the supporters are pissing me off at the moment. These are the people (and groups of people) who are at the top of my shit list right now.

Ray Horsborough - I dont know if you have been paying attention Sir, but this club does not air its dirty laundry in public. You have made your decision, now fking show some leadership, and live with it. The media does not deserve any more comment on why Sheedy was sacked, and if you have any brains, you will now just shut the fk up. Our club sets the damn agenda on these matters, not the media. By the way, the whole Bomber/Williams charade makes you look like a rank amatuer.

Kevin Sheedy - I love you Sheeds, but FFS get over yourself. It had to happen one day, and your record of late has been modest to say the least. Yes it all could have been handled better, but it wouldnt have mattered when and how it was handled, you'd still be upset, and hurt. We are not your fking client, we are your family. Your family thinks it's time for you to stop going to work everyday, and spend some time with the grand kids. Stop acting like a bitter old twat.

Alec Epis - You have acheived what you have spent your whole time on the board wanting, and now it's time to fk off, and be usefull. You shouldnt be allowed to do anymore but put the witches hats out at training.

Garry O'Donnell - Are you going to stand by, and let other people run the agenda for you? Get some balls, and come out and say how much you would love to coach the club, and what you think you can contribute. No ones going to blow your trumpet for you.

Matthew Lloyd - Start acting like a skipper of a great club, and less like a sulky prat. On the field, try going and getting the fking pill, and kick some important goals. Off the field, stop carrying yourself like you are the club.

Selection Committee - If you are letting Sheedy get away with the crap that he has pulled at selection this week, you should all immediately resign.

Adam McPhee - If you want to be an elite player, start playing like one. This group needs some leadership, and I for one dont expect the likes of Ryder, and Gumbleton to be the ones providing it.

Andrew Lovett - Your'e not special, you're just a footballer. One that is wasting his ability at that. Stop fking sulking, and start playing each game likes its your first and last.

Save or whoever the fk they are - Just go away, before you turn us into the club you supposedly are trying to protect us from becoming.

General supporters - Get feral FFS. We used to be the loudest supporters in the about being spoiled fking rotten.

Their are more, but that will do for now.
An excellent summary Rob. It should be sent off to the EFC and tabled at their next meeting. As you say though, there is a hell of a lot more to be said....
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Re: The R67 rant.

Post by Sismis »

robbie67 wrote: It's fair to say the club from The President all the way down to the supporters are pissing me off at the moment. These are the people (and groups of people) who are at the top of my shit list right now.

Ray Horsborough - I dont know if you have been paying attention Sir, but this club does not air its dirty laundry in public. You have made your decision, now fking show some leadership, and live with it. The media does not deserve any more comment on why Sheedy was sacked, and if you have any brains, you will now just shut the fk up. Our club sets the damn agenda on these matters, not the media. By the way, the whole Bomber/Williams charade makes you look like a rank amatuer.
robbie67 wrote:Kevin Sheedy - I love you Sheeds, but FFS get over yourself. It had to happen one day, and your record of late has been modest to say the least. Yes it all could have been handled better, but it wouldnt have mattered when and how it was handled, you'd still be upset, and hurt. We are not your fking client, we are your family. Your family thinks it's time for you to stop going to work everyday, and spend some time with the grand kids. Stop acting like a bitter old twat.
robbie67 wrote:Alec Epis - You have acheived what you have spent your whole time on the board wanting, and now it's time to fk off, and be usefull. You shouldnt be allowed to do anymore but put the witches hats out at training.
robbie67 wrote: Garry O'Donnell - Are you going to stand by, and let other people run the agenda for you? Get some balls, and come out and say how much you would love to coach the club, and what you think you can contribute. No ones going to blow your trumpet for you.
robbie67 wrote: Matthew Lloyd - Start acting like a skipper of a great club, and less like a sulky prat. On the field, try going and getting the fking pill, and kick some important goals. Off the field, stop carrying yourself like you are the club.
Complete BS see my other thread.
robbie67 wrote:Selection Committee - If you are letting Sheedy get away with the crap that he has pulled at selection this week, you should all immediately resign.
Other shit hasn't worked. Whynot give it a crack?
robbie67 wrote:Adam McPhee - If you want to be an elite player, start playing like one. This group needs some leadership, and I for one dont expect the likes of Ryder, and Gumbleton to be the ones providing it.

Andrew Lovett - Your'e not special, you're just a footballer. One that is wasting his ability at that. Stop fking sulking, and start playing each game likes its your first and last.
These 2 should be our A Graders. Our match winners. While they have been useful we need much more from them.
robbie67 wrote:Save or whoever the fk they are - Just go away, before you turn us into the club you supposedly are trying to protect us from becoming.
robbie67 wrote:General supporters - Get feral FFS. We used to be the loudest supporters in the about being spoiled fking rotten.
Agree, time to fire up and get out there and scream ourselves hoarse getting us over the line this week. I for one do not believe the only way we can win this is for them to tank.

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Post by Brumaz »

good post. spot on.
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Post by Essendon4eva »

Agree with most, but not all.
I don't think Gary O'Donnell wants to coach.
And the comment about McPhee applies to most of our leadership group.
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Post by Shane_Mead »

OMG McPhee! WTF?! He's our best playa Lolz! You cant trade away all your good playes coz then we'l be like Carlton and look how much they suck hahaha!!
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Post by Gyoza »

Shane_Mead wrote:OMG McPhee! WTF?! He's our best playa Lolz! You cant trade away all your good playes coz then we'l be like Carlton and look how much they suck hahaha!!
Can we start deleting this shit?
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Re: The R67 rant.

Post by Lloyd is King »

robbie67 wrote: Save or whoever the fk they are - Just go away, before you turn us into the club you supposedly are trying to protect us from becoming.
Yes, yes, yes. f*** off you bastards.

I am more pissed off at those bloody goons more than anyone at the mo.

Great post Robert.
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Post by Windy_Hill »

Yeah, an alright post I suppose.

Frankly I think this will all blow over. We get a new coach, the excitement will be back, clean out some of the deadwood, build on the positives and with some luck be back in the finals hunt this time next year.
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Re: The R67 rant.

Post by canberrabomber »

Ray Horsborough - I dont know if you have been paying attention Sir, but this club does not air its dirty laundry in public. You have made your decision, now fking show some leadership, and live with it. The media does not deserve any more comment on why Sheedy was sacked, and if you have any brains, you will now just shut the fk up. Our club sets the damn agenda on these matters, not the media. By the way, the whole Bomber/Williams charade makes you look like a rank amatuer.
I think it incorrect to say Essendon never airs its dirty laundry in public. It is true that over recent decades our club has not been tainted by the internicine coach/administration/player/membership spats that have characterised other clubs, but damaging internal information has entered the public domain on a not infrequent basis. For example Hirds speech at the 2001 B and F was widely recorded as representing player disappointment and bitterness at Hardwick's trade.

As to the specific issue, it is sometimes necessary to air information publicly because the private avenue fails- this may have been the case with Sheedy. I don't have enough information to be critical of Horsborough on this account.

I agree on the Williams/Thompson remarks.
Kevin Sheedy - I love you Sheeds, but FFS get over yourself. It had to happen one day, and your record of late has been modest to say the least. Yes it all could have been handled better, but it wouldnt have mattered when and how it was handled, you'd still be upset, and hurt. We are not your fking client, we are your family. Your family thinks it's time for you to stop going to work everyday, and spend some time with the grand kids. Stop acting like a bitter old twat.

Unfortunately it was sadly predictable. So much was clear from Tim Watson's book. This is why I have been prepared to cut the board some slack over how the "sacking" has transpired. The only way much of this angst could have been avoided is to give Sheedy carte blanche on his retirement. The club is not in a position to afford that indulgence anymore.
Alec Epis - You have acheived what you have spent your whole time on the board wanting, and now it's time to fk off, and be usefull. You shouldnt be allowed to do anymore but put the witches hats out at training.
I would have been more upset if he had publicly politiked about it as he has on previous occassions. He has been around a long time but there are others I would ditch before him.
Garry O'Donnell - Are you going to stand by, and let other people run the agenda for you? Get some balls, and come out and say how much you would love to coach the club, and what you think you can contribute. No ones going to blow your trumpet for you.
Don't know enough to comment.
Matthew Lloyd - Start acting like a skipper of a great club, and less like a sulky prat. On the field, try going and getting the fking pill, and kick some important goals. Off the field, stop carrying yourself like you are the club.
A bit harsh.

I accept that Lloyd has his flaws as a player and a person and he probably would not have been the captain if someone of Hird's capabilities were around. Unfortunately there isn't and I think he is by far our best option at present. I think it is also pertinent to note that it was Lloyd who publicly criticised the club last year for a slack attitude last year. Insisted, that Sheedy dump a few underperforming players, and was significantly responsible for keeping Hird for an extra year. I agree that he has not always peformed to his lofty rhetoric but we have these things to be thankful for at the very least.

I would not ascribe to him the meglomania that you do re the coaching position. I don't think he demanded or asserted a right to have a say merely that he would give an opinion if requested.

As to his performance on the field. He has had some poor games and some reasonable ones and some difficencies have crept back into his game. I would agree that it is more important than ever that our captain perform consistently if our team is going to be mediocre for a few more years. It is important to note that he is physically past his peak and has always struggled returning from serious injury. I think 70 goals would be a good return with the team/skills we currently have this year and into the future.
Selection Committee - If you are letting Sheedy get away with the crap that he has pulled at selection this week, you should all immediately resign.
Adam McPhee - If you want to be an elite player, start playing like one. This group needs some leadership, and I for one dont expect the likes of Ryder, and Gumbleton to be the ones providing it.

Andrew Lovett - Your'e not special, you're just a footballer. One that is wasting his ability at that. Stop fking sulking, and start playing each game likes its your first and last.

Save or whoever the fk they are - Just go away, before you turn us into the club you supposedly are trying to protect us from becoming.
Peanuts, imbeciles, fools. If they had just ran for election without this pro-Sheedy BS, I may have been prepared to vote for some of them. There are some directors who have been there too long and I think that the board should be held accountable for the general complaincy that has gripped the club. However I am very reluctant to vote for them now because they have demonstrated that they cannot put their own interests above that of the club.
General supporters - Get feral FFS. We used to be the loudest supporters in the about being spoiled fking rotten.
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Post by MH_Bomber »

Excellent rant Robbie.

I totally agree with you on Horsborough airing internal information in the media. This just should not have happened. This guy should not be let near a microphone without a minder.
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Post by jimmyc1985 »

Many good responses from CanberraBomber, too. You should post more often.
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Post by Gossy7 »

I agree Jim, great posts Rob and Canbomb.
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