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Post by bombercol »

There going on about 50 years of TV at present so I thought what five events had you glued to the TV or radio or that you will never forget.

Here's mine.

1. 1984 premiership v. Hawthorn. My first flag as a Bombers fan. I cired, cheered, jumped around like a dickehead, the feeling was magic.

2. 9/11/2001. New York.

3. The Canberra Fires January 2003.

4. The Boxing Day Tsunami.

5. The 2006 World Cup Game Australia v. Italy. That penalty
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Post by bugman »

1. 9/11 - thought the world was pretty much going to end
2. Second invasion of Iraq - pretty much the same - glued to the TV
3. First root - okay, so it wasn't broadcast (thank god) but memorable all the same.
4. Canberra bushfires - much like you Col, I was in the same boat - listening to the radio because we had no electricity. Driving to my folks place to be with Mum and watching the fire coming over Mt Taylor is something I'm never going to forget.
5. Berlin Wall coming down - only young, but it had a pretty dramatic effect
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Post by Scott »

1. 9/11
2. Princess Diana's Death
3. Martin Bryant killings
4. Bali Bombings
5. Melbourne's Gangland Murders.
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Post by bombercol »

Bugman, another Canberra person!!! Need to meet up for a beer or many.

The Canberra fires is a time I'll never forget.

I'm a real eastate agent. On the day I opened up a property and the skys were getting black and where I was we were getting showered with ash and black burned out leaves from trees.

People were starting to get worried.

I stopped at the agency to pick up some more business cards and I heard that people were starting to get evacutated in Banks and Gordon (I live in Conder), very close to where I live.

I remember picking up one of my open home signs positioned at a roundabout seeing 200 metres down the road the sky black and fire burining.

My next exhibition there was bright blue sky, only a few suburbs away. Half an hour later the sky was black, it was like midnight and we saw that the next suburb had flames appraoching it.

At 3 o'clock, I went to buy a CD.

On the radio everything was calm. I got to the CD shop and they had closed. I drove home. Unbeknown to me while I was driving home in Duffy and Chapman were up in flames.

Within 15 minutes, the chief minister called a state of emegency, and no less than 30 suburbs were under threat of bush fire.

Bottled water, hoses were sold out at Woollies. Thank go there was beer left to buy.

We stayed up all night.

Luckily for my suburb the wind had changed, as the fire south of us was threatening us. Unfortunatley the wind changing spelt destruction in Weston Creek and Kambah which lost almost all of the 500 odd homes lost.

An awful time. We are still on tenderhooks from that day. Any sign of smoke give people shivers and fear.

A day I'll never forget.
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Post by billyduckworth »

I think my top five would be:

(1) 1984 premiership (I'm with you on that one, bombercol)
(2) 9/11
(3) Bali bombings (how on earth did that not make the top 20 on that crap program last night?)
(4) man on the moon (or filmed in the studio or however they faked it exactly)
(5) berlin wall (can't understand how that didn't make their stupid list either)
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Post by The Fly »

'84 Premiership:
I'll never forget the unbridled emotion and joy as the boys piled the goals on the last quarter. Jumping around the lounge room and playing the club song on a 45RPM record after every goal!

Port Authur Massacre:
I was listening to the radio when the report first broke. The DJ said that people a gunman was loose and had killed 'several' people at the Port Arthur historic site.

I initial thought was that the announcer was taking the piss, but then he said that Police had sealed off the Tasman Peninsula and that people should keep away from the area (I live in Hobart). Then every 15 minutes or so he updated the report with the confirmed number of dead as they were discovered, which just kept growing. It was a shocking day.

Socceroos World Cup Qualifier vs Uraguay
Unbelievable. Finally we get to play with the big end of town. Made sweeter by beating Uraguay after the last failure, and their statements about it being their "God-given right" to qualify. Arrogant turds.

Enough said.

Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster:
I woke up to the radio news. The first loss of a space vehicle in my lifetime.
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Post by swoodley »

My top five:

Man on the moon...got the afternoon off from school so we could go home and watch it on tv

Pat Cash winning Wimbledon in 1987 ( I was in London at the time and it turned into one huge piss up after he won)

Princess Diana's funeral...( didn't watch much of the stuff when she died but I was glued to the tv for her funeral)


Bali Bombings
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Post by Dizzy_69 »

1. 9/11
2. Port Arthur Killings
3. Boxing Day Tsunami
4. Baili Bombings
5. 99 Cricket World Cup (The Famous runout vs South Africa)
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Post by dodgey »

decided Not to include any football in my top 5 ( not they ain't in my top 5 moments)

1: 9/11...... At home watching TV when the news came through. Sat up most of the night watching the box and we had the TV going all the next day at work. Simply could Not walk away from the coverage.

2: Port Arthur Massacre..... sadly a mates wedding day will always be remembered for this event. was at said wedding and didn't find out about until we got back to the Motel room after the ceremony. Martin Bryant is one reason for me supporting the return of capital punishment.

3: Ash Wednesday Bushfires....had friends who lost their house in Upper Beaconsfield that day

4: Boxing Day Tsunami..... such a sad thing to happen

5: 1983 Australia's Cup Win...... didn't go to school that day and sat there watching with pride
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Post by bugman »

bombercol wrote:Bugman, another Canberra person!!! Need to meet up for a beer or many.
Might have to do it if you come down this way... live in Melbourne these days.
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Post by Boyler_Room »

dodgey wrote: 5: 1983 Australia's Cup Win...... didn't go to school that day and sat there watching with pride
I like the way you put that :D
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Post by Megan »

September 11.

Beaconsfield, most noticably the day they bought them up - will never forget that.

Boxing Day Tsunami

2000 GF

McCartneys comeback - and final - game.
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Post by rama_fan »

1. Australia winning '99 World Cup
2. 9/11
3. 2000 GF
4. Uni Placement Results Day
5. London Bombings.
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Post by robbie67 »

Sexy chick in the training course I was on today.
Sexy chick on the bus yesterday.
Sexy chick in the canteen at work last week.
Sexy chick at the Placebo gig on Saturday night.
Sexy chick helping me try on shoes on Sunday.
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Post by Rossoneri »

1. 9/11
2. super 6 match vs SA in cricket WC 99
3. Port Arthur massacre
4. Capture of Saddam Hussien
5. London Bombings
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He kicks on the riiiiiiiiigggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhttttttttttttt
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Post by CameronClayton »

No offence dodgey, but how anyone could put in the America's Cup win in 1983, should not call themselves a Bomber supporter.

IIRC, it happened within a couple of days after the Bombers got flogged by Hawthorn in the 83GF - I was still so shattered from that loss, that I couldn't give a toss about winning some rich man's sport (is it a sport or hobby?). Shows how much we care about it now - the Kiwis have won the last few & it doesn't even hardly rate a mention in Oz.

BTW, I like Robbie's top 5 & will only add in 1st head job as one of mine. :lol:
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Post by Pazza »


1. 1983 Bushfires. Was in Ocean Grove and will never forget how hot the sand on the beach was; nor the messages coming over the radio from fires down on the Otways not far away from where we were. Dad was up at Mt. Macedon 24 hours later.

2. The 1983 floods around Werribee. Amazing that 2 natural disasters happened in my life the exact same year. Nearly lost Dad - he was helping people stuck in their car on the fors in the heart of Werribee.

3. Easter Sunday 1995. Not because it was Easter, but, because of where we were and what happened. Staying at Pambula Beach, we were struck by a mini-tornado. Rode the thing in the caravan.

4. Diana's death. The message coming over the public address at Carlton that day just blew everyone away.

5. 9/11. Only because I slept through it!
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Post by Madden »

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Post by Marillion »

1.9/11....Couldn't believe what i was witnessing
2.Princess Diana's death....Was at Optus Oval Vs.Crows and Harvs last game
3.Boxing Day Tsunami....Nature at it's worst!
4.The birth of my little girl Gypsy in 2003....My Princess
5.The birth of my son James in 1998....My Hero
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Post by paddyl90 »

1. 9/11
2.Asian Tsunami
3. Terrorism in General, London, Madrid etc.
4. Bombers 2000 Grand Final- My first, well that i remember.
5.Port Arthur Killings- my mum could've been one of em that day :(
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