Fletcher A Stealth Bomber - Gary Lyon Article

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Fletcher A Stealth Bomber - Gary Lyon Article

Post by swoodley »

Great article by Gary Lyon from theage.com.au:

I especially like the last two paragraphs.

MIKE Singletary is a Hall of Fame player in the NFL, having played with the Chicago Bears for 11 years. He was a celebrated member of Mike Ditka's 1985 Super Bowl-winning team.

But despite all the individual glory that came his way, it was this quote from him that got me thinking most about the subject of today's article. "Do you know what my favourite part of the game is? The opportunity to play." As Essendon super veteran Dustin Fletcher prepares for game 350, I couldn't imagine a more appropriate sentiment to epitomise what Fletcher stands for. Since his debut in 1993 as a 17-year-old schoolboy, Fletcher has played through the greatest period of change the game has seen. Yet he remains the same level-headed, understated and unassuming footballer he was in his debut year.

And that, aside from his remarkable playing career, is an achievement to be celebrated.
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For we exist, today, in a football world where the game itself can sometimes become a mere adjunct to the travelling sideshow that surrounds it. Where, as Singletary says, the ''opportunity to play'' can be overshadowed by the opportunity to earn exorbitant amounts of money; where winning Twitter followers can occasionally appear to take precedence over winning possessions; where photographs appear more regularly in the social pages than they do in the sports pages; where a media contract is almost thought to be a rite of passage that accompanies a playing contract.

For Fletcher, the peripheral issues that consume many in the game today hold little interest. In fact, the only time that we seem to turn our attention to him, for reasons other than doing what he has done so brilliantly for 349 games, is when he has fronted the AFL Tribunal. It surprised me to learn that he has been reported 18 times, and missed 17 games through suspension. He sits, uncomfortably, alongside names such as David Rhys-Jones, Carl Ditterich, Greg Williams, Glenn Archer and Dermott Brereton. He is clumsy rather than vicious, awkward as opposed to brutal. It's fair to say he hasn't come to grips with the tripping rule, which accounts for six of his reports.

He will, quite rightly, be lauded this weekend for his longevity and consistency. The fact that I can, from personal experience, attest to his playing ability attests to this point.

Although it was almost 20 years ago, the 17- and 18-year-old Dustin Fletcher I played against is very much the Dustin Fletcher running around today.

He was not an overtly physical player in his early years, perhaps a concession to his still-developing frame. But he had an innate ability to time his spoil, or interception, so precisely that he didn't need to engage in a test of brute strength.

I recall the one time I was matched up against the great Bruce Doull, in 1986. Time after time I would find myself in a position to take a mark, seemingly on my own, only to be denied at the very last second by the imposing fist of the great Carlton No. 11.

It happened so regularly that there was no way it occurred merely by chance. I couldn't even hear Doull approaching until the moment his fist hit the ball. Fletcher possesses a similar stealthy brilliance.

To do so, one must have an intimate understanding of one's abilities. Fletcher has always had remarkable closing speed that allows him to take liberties that most others can't. It allows him to play off his man so that he can defend not only his direct opponent, but up to two others as well.

He understands the ''angles'' of the game as well as anyone I've seen, and after 20 years' experience, he quite rightly will back his understanding of how and where the ball will enter his defensive domain, and position himself accordingly.

There would be countless forwards over the past couple of decades who couldn't, at some stage of a game directly opposed to Fletcher, believe how much latitude they were being given. By the end of the quarter, Fletcher would likely have eight possessions and four marks, while they would barely have got their shorts dirty. He simply read the game better and refused to be manacled to a forward who was unlikely to have an impact on the game.

It's probably one of the reasons coaches Kevin Sheedy, Matthew Knights and now James Hird aren't content to have him tethered to the goal square every week. He has taken more than his share of big-name forwards over the years, but he has also been given a licence to make his own decisions in the back half.

I dug out an article I wrote on Fletcher in 2002. I commented that ''no one kills a marking contest like Dustin Fletcher''. That ''once he gets on top as a defender, he severely limits the opposition's attacking options''. That ''opposition clubs needed to employ decoy full-forwards to draw Fletcher away from the key attacking 'hot spot', so that they can at least be a 50-50 chance of taking a mark or providing a quality drop of the ball, crumbing opportunity''.

Ten years on and we are saying the same things about Dustin Fletcher. It seems that, while everything around him changes, Fletcher has stayed the same. Wild, half-shaven and coloured hair, buffed and waxed bodies, fluoro pink and green footy boots, big egos on display on the field, bigger ones in the media box. Drugs, gambling, sexual escapades, racial debates raging.

And then there's Dustin. Doing what he's done since 1993, with no real end in sight. His is a great story. A pure footy story that started with a boy doing what he loves doing best and will end with a man doing the very same thing. Just being given the opportunity to play

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/f ... z1rzSjch9w
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Re: Fletcher A Stealth Bomber - Gary Lyon Article

Post by BenDoolan »

Excellent article, and so true. Found myself nodding all the way through....
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Re: Fletcher A Stealth Bomber - Gary Lyon Article

Post by azza78 »

Lyon is an A-grade tool, but this is a fantastice piece. Sums up the great man perfectly...
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Re: Fletcher A Stealth Bomber - Gary Lyon Article

Post by Jazz_84 »

great article and something a bit different to read aswell
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Re: Fletcher A Stealth Bomber - Gary Lyon Article

Post by bomberdonnie »

Ghost written much?
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Re: Fletcher A Stealth Bomber - Gary Lyon Article

Post by Megan »

No matter who wrote it, that is a terrific article. Just amuses me how much attention Fletch is getting and how much of it is "OMG he's SO great he's our FAVOURITE we've ALWAYS LOVED HIM!!!! Heart heart heart." WHen they've largely ignored him for the last 348 games.

WE KNEW. Now everyone else works it out, ha ha!
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Re: Fletcher A Stealth Bomber - Gary Lyon Article

Post by doogle »

A Fletcher chant started in the eastern stand last night.

Incredible in the backline again.

Hope he is the first to play father with son.

We had the 4 brothers so why not?
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Re: Fletcher A Stealth Bomber - Gary Lyon Article

Post by sconsey »

I started one of those chants lol....and was in all the other fletcher chants.absolute legend. Some serious man love for fletcher. They sold out of all his badges last night,but I did manage to get the 350th pin.
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