They've already had 5 Rounds of the League Phase,which was UEFA's way of doing a mini Super League after being rebutted by fan bases across Europe.
Will discuss later in the day,but one important result from last night was this -
Liverpool 2 - 0 Real Madrid
We didn't just beat them,we dominated them,especially with Real under the pump for their shaky position.Now they're really under the pump in the Final few Rounds,facing 5th place Undefeated Atalanta Away for starters.
Even if they scrape through in 24th,the Defending Champions will have to climb their way through to the Final via a knockout Round,to advance to the Round of 16 for starters,then face a Seeded opponent in the Round of 16 proper,most likely Away from the Bernabeu.
As for Liverpool,if we do the buso in the last 3 League Rounds,we should get Top Seed and a Bye in the 1st Round of the Knockout Phase.