Sir James is right

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Re: Sir James is right

Post by Rossoneri »

BenDoolan wrote:
Filthy wrote:Forrest Gumps and his box of chocolates.

Benny "Redneck" Doolan. Hopeless footballer and out of form poster.

A very happy couple. :roll:

Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaark. You on drugs?
I don't know Benny, you may be a redneck. Did you say something bad about the labour government?
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by BenDoolan »

Rossoneri wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
Filthy wrote:Forrest Gumps and his box of chocolates.

Benny "Redneck" Doolan. Hopeless footballer and out of form poster.

A very happy couple. :roll:

Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaark. You on drugs?
I don't know Benny, you may be a redneck. Did you say something bad about the labour government?
Fkd if I know :?

I reckon Filthy has had a knock to the head. Either that or he's retarded....
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by s'dreams »

danstar84 wrote:
gringo wrote:People seem to be forgetting that as a playing group, we are dramatically fitter than Geelong at the moment. I spent portions of the game sitting near the players bench. The Geelong blokes were absolutely knackered when they came off for a spell. I'll be very interested to see how the rematch pans out.
Dramatically fitter? Really? I'd say all teams at this time of year would be around the same mark.
Hmmmm .. try saying that to richmond and Melb (who is their fitness guru again???)

I'd too fancy our chances in te rematch.

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Re: Sir James is right

Post by Gimps »

Filthy wrote:Forrest Gumps and his box of chocolates.

Benny "Redneck" Doolan. Hopeless footballer and out of form poster.

A very happy couple. :roll:
Gimpida Gimpida! That's all folks!

Filthy has officially lost the plot. Months and months of so called "ignoring" has lead to the asylum. All the pent up anger towards the Gimp has got to him, he just can't handle it anymore. Forrest Gumps and his box of chocolates?? Crikey, hard-hitting stuff that could only come from a confused little man. And poor old Benny Doolan - firstly, old man Filth makes of mockery of his illustrious career, bad enough. But wait, there's more! He has the gaul to label him a REDNECK! Wow, sounds like pure desperation from a man/woman in need.

It's OK Filth, we won't discriminate against you, now that you are clearly handicapped. Well treat you the same as anyone else, and still call you a f***wit :wink:
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by BenDoolan »

Rossoneri wrote:So when we are 23 points up with a quarter and a half to play, we should shut up shop? When geelong kick 2 goals, we go back into our shell and forget about how we actually got to that stage to begin with?
At what point should we go into our shell and defend grimly. Also, if we do go on the defensive, surely this would give Geelong more ammunition to come at us again and again. Against a team like Geelong, if you sit back and defend, they will still score. You can have 15 blokes behind the ball, but they will still kick goals, they do not have great marking forwards, it is their midfielders that shred apart zone defences with their run and carry.

It is a balancing act, and it is when stupid decisions are made that cost us. If Davey picks up the ball cleanly for once and snaps the goal, maybe we break geelong. Same goes for Neagle when he played on 35m out from goal and got tackled. Silly mistakes hurt us, not just the game plan.
Very well said Rosso :!:
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by Windy_Hill »

I dont get the Gimp love - his poetry sucks and the timbre is completely wrong - fewer syllables Gimpo and work with your rythm.

I would challenge you to a poem-off but I would hate to embarass you

And Benny, you must be reading comic books for your literary stimulation if you can find the Gimps stuff either clever or funny.
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by BenDoolan »

Windy_Hill wrote:I dont get the Gimp love - his poetry sucks and the timbre is completely wrong - fewer syllables Gimpo and work with your rythm.

I would challenge you to a poem-off but I would hate to embarass you

And Benny, you must be reading comic books for your literary stimulation if you can find the Gimps stuff either clever or funny.
It's hilarious and enjoyable to read! Don't know why Filthy gets all worked up just because someone finds it funny. The good ol' gimparoonie has mocked me on this board and I find it just as hilarious. You wanted a bit of "flavour" on this site - Gimpa provides it IMO.

So if you're really asking me, I'd much rather read Gimps' poetry than anything from Filthy of late.....
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by Gimps »

Windy_Hill wrote:I dont get the Gimp love - his poetry sucks and the timbre is completely wrong - fewer syllables Gimpo and work with your rythm.

I would challenge you to a poem-off but I would hate to embarass you

And Benny, you must be reading comic books for your literary stimulation if you can find the Gimps stuff either clever or funny.
Cast you mind back a few posts to when Filth called Benny & I a couple. Ha, clearly we have nothing on yourself and the Filthmeister. Just when I thought you had deserted him, you show up and desperately try back him up. A poem-off? Ha, I'd cream you. Don't get too excited, it's not the kind of creaming that Filthy provides you... I write the stuff I put up here in 5-10 minutes, it's not like I go over it in my head a thousand times to get it right. Not like your posts, surely you think about it all day and still come up with sweet FA.. "Sit on the fence, or not sit on the fence, that is the question." The song above was done in about 3 minutes, plenty of cut and paste. But, it still worked, still got the message across.

So go ahead Windy, do your worst.. Write a poem, a story, or a song about Benny Doolan and the Gimp.. We'll be waiting in anticipation.. Once we have seen your pearls of $hitdom, I'll provide my reply.

You don't want everyone calling you CHICKEN? Harden up and take the challenge, or flap your wings and fly away vingertje
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by BenDoolan »

Filthy wrote: are not worth talking to....and I have I do not know why you have got an erection over the possibility that I did. I would have liked to insult you, but with your intelligence you wouldn't get offended.

Mr used to be a poster that I hugely respected and like to see your views on a range of issues and footy. But this year you have knocked and ridiculed Asylum Seekers, the vast majority of which are genuine refugee's from oppressive and brutal dictatorships, fleeing for their very lives. This is an an absolute truth as the vast majority remain after investigations. Those who aren't are removed. You seem to also want to jail, hang or shoot any miscreant or criminal that pops up on the sensationalist media. You cannot know the background of these people. In a baby ward, the cribs are not marked "doctor", "lawyer", "criminal" etc. Most times environment creates the person we all become and that is a failure in Society we all pay for.

You also have taken a liking to ridiculing anything I say about Footy. That's your right but becomes boring when it is happening 24/7. I am not perfect but cannot be wrong 24/7.

However your greatest sin in my eyes, is in that which you called me ...."retarded". When you say that as an insult, you ridicule millions of Aussies who have mental illness/s, or are born which disabilities and perpetuate the myths and stigmas that surround these people that the likes of Beyond Blue, Black Dog and Wayne Schwass' Sunshine Institute are working daily are trying to tear down.

For your information, I suffer from Depression and PTSD and take meds for that. The reasons for this is no one's business but I am but one of millions who do suffer these insidious illness/s. I am a big boy and I can look after myself, but there a lot of fellow sufferers who literally walk on a knife edge daily. So next time you call someone "retarded", be aware you may be responsible for pushing someone over the edge and you know what that means.

This site is all about the Essendon Footy Club and fellow and like minded people getting together and discussing our great Club. Puerile and insulting the likes of Gumps bring nothing positive here, to what should otherwise be a pleasant escape for us all here.

And also for your information I did have had a knock to my head.... 30 years ago playing Footy..... that caused a ever growing lesion at C6 that decided to blow up 2 years ago and caused a brain bleed. The lesion cannot be removed. In that comment you are correct...30 years too late.
I trade you an insult for an insult. You call me a redneck and I'll call you retarded.

You have absolutely no idea of my background, where I work, who I work with, or any circumstances that I live under. So for you to label me a redneck without any substance other than your own political bullshit, I say to you, get stuffed.

You're not the only one who suffers depression, and I have had to endure many sad stories of very close friends who have suffered the horrendous consequences of the illness. So again, unless you know my circumstances, get stuffed.

I have not ridiculed you for any post. I may disagree or ridicule the article you posted, but I have never had a personal attack upon yourself. YOU are the one who attacked me personally - once the other day, and obviously yesterday in this thread.

Yes I do want murderous psychopaths executed. Should I be ashamed of that? If you think so, you can get stuffed. My sympathies lie with the victims NOT The vermin who perpetrate heinous crimes without guilt or remorse. Feel sorry for those c**** if you will, but don't lecture people on doing the same.

From now on Filth, if you can't stand anyone disagreeing with you, or anything you link, then simply don't f***'n post it.

Have a good f***'n day
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by Rossoneri »

Filth, just to let you know, you are not the only one on here who suffers depression. However, taking something on an internet forum literally is not clever anyway. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them a bad person, nor does it make them someone who hates you. For instance, I have different views regarding the asylum seekers to you and others, does that mean that I refuse to talk to you? NO!

Whatever BD feels is correct, he is free to express them, as you are, hence why these are called forums. And I doubt BD has been following you criticising your every post in the football section. I know Windy said that the same thing about me, but it seemed to be a coincidence that at the time, we disagreed on a hell of a lot.

Windy - I think the poems were good at times because during the long boring summers, Gimps had a couple of decent ones. This one was ok, though the line "when Quinny comes" doesn't really fit in to the tune.
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by Gimps »

I reckon Filthy has had a knock to the head. Either that or he's retarded....[/quote] are not worth talking to....and I have I do not know why you have got an erection over the possibility that I did. I would have liked to insult you, but with your intelligence you wouldn't get offended.

Mr used to be a poster that I hugely respected and like to see your views on a range of issues and footy. But this year you have knocked and ridiculed Asylum Seekers, the vast majority of which are genuine refugee's from oppressive and brutal dictatorships, fleeing for their very lives. This is an an absolute truth as the vast majority remain after investigations. Those who aren't are removed. You seem to also want to jail, hang or shoot any miscreant or criminal that pops up on the sensationalist media. You cannot know the background of these people. In a baby ward, the cribs are not marked "doctor", "lawyer", "criminal" etc. Most times environment creates the person we all become and that is a failure in Society we all pay for.

You also have taken a liking to ridiculing anything I say about Footy. That's your right but becomes boring when it is happening 24/7. I am not perfect but cannot be wrong 24/7.

However your greatest sin in my eyes, is in that which you called me ...."retarded". When you say that as an insult, you ridicule millions of Aussies who have mental illness/s, or are born which disabilities and perpetuate the myths and stigmas that surround these people that the likes of Beyond Blue, Black Dog and Wayne Schwass' Sunshine Institute are working daily are trying to tear down.

For your information, I suffer from Depression and PTSD and take meds for that. The reasons for this is no one's business but I am but one of millions who do suffer these insidious illness/s. I am a big boy and I can look after myself, but there a lot of fellow sufferers who literally walk on a knife edge daily. So next time you call someone "retarded", be aware you may be responsible for pushing someone over the edge and you know what that means.

This site is all about the Essendon Footy Club and fellow and like minded people getting together and discussing our great Club. Puerile and insulting the likes of Gumps bring nothing positive here, to what should otherwise be a pleasant escape for us all here.

And also for your information I did have had a knock to my head.... 30 years ago playing Footy..... that caused a ever growing lesion at C6 that decided to blow up 2 years ago and caused a brain bleed. The lesion cannot be removed. In that comment you are correct...30 years too late.[/quote]

Here we go, I was waiting for this day. It all comes out, now everything has an explanation.

Did you ever think that the copious amounts of bull$hit that you post on here, along with the common theme of contempt towards your fellow posters would lead to people criticising you? You talk the same $hit over and over again. It's always excuses about the past, Quinny F****** up Gumby and the rest of the team is a prime example. The umpires - yes, I and the rest of the people on here hate them - but they aren't always the reason behind us losing a game. The list goes on and on.

But, the biggest problem. As mentioned above, your complete and utter contempt towards other posters. If someone challenges your ideas, you just brush them aside and ridicule their thoughts. It happens quite frequently, and maybe if you got your head out of your ar$e, you'd realise why people aren't being so kind to you lately. So Filth, wake up and realise that you are just as bad as I am. In the sense that you do put people down (Pity is, you just don't have one ounce of creativity in your body - and my comments are more in jest than anything).. You make people feel bad, you disregard their ideas, and tell them that they don't have your 'superior' intelligence. In a sense, you are telling them that compared to you, they are 'retarded'.

So get off your F****** high horse and lose the sob story.
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by Gimps »

Rossoneri wrote:Windy - I think the poems were good at times because during the long boring summers, Gimps had a couple of decent ones. This one was ok, though the line "when Quinny comes" doesn't really fit in to the tune.
Ha ha.. yeah, I knew the line didn't really fit, but it just had to go in there to tell the story.
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by Doctor Fish »

Some people on here need to realise that their idea of "posting" is pretty much online bullying. Not naming names, but I think a few posters in here need to tone it down a tad. Besides, this forum was way better when it was about the thing we all had in common; our thoughts and musings (No matter how misguided, extreme, etc...) about the EFC. Not a pissing contest for immature web warriors to trade insults on. We used to say Bomberblitz served this purpose, now I'm not so sure...

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Re: Sir James is right

Post by Jazz_84 »

Doctor Fish wrote:Some people on here need to realise that their idea of "posting" is pretty much online bullying. Not naming names, but I think a few posters in here need to tone it down a tad. Besides, this forum was way better when it was about the thing we all had in common; our thoughts and musings (No matter how misguided, extreme, etc...) about the EFC. Not a pissing contest for immature web warriors to trade insults on. We used to say Bomberblitz served this purpose, now I'm not so sure...

fully agree, so back on topic please and anything more that's not related to the topic will be removed
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by j-mac31 »

If I can go back to the original thread topic, I think we need to have a stringer emphasis on defending in Plan A, so that we don't need to start worrying about Plan B.

I think Knights has the balance wrong right now. Or maybe we were just whooped by a great team.
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by Gimps »

j-mac31 wrote:If I can go back to the original thread topic, I think we need to have a stringer emphasis on defending in Plan A, so that we don't need to start worrying about Plan B.

I think Knights has the balance wrong right now. Or maybe we were just whooped by a great team.
There's no doubt we got whooped by a great time, but, you are right the defensive aspect of Plan A J-Mac. Too many times we see our entire backline up around the centre square, when we turn the ball over, the opposition runs hard into space, and we get caught out. But, we weren't the only ones on the weekend. St Kilda did it to the Swans, and a couple of other teams exploited this too. If we are going to push up in the manner that we do, we have to make sure that we are capable of running back hard enough to cover the opposition sprint. If not, we need to drop a couple of players back when we are on the extreme offensive.
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by tonysoprano »

Gimps wrote:
j-mac31 wrote:If I can go back to the original thread topic, I think we need to have a stringer emphasis on defending in Plan A, so that we don't need to start worrying about Plan B.

I think Knights has the balance wrong right now. Or maybe we were just whooped by a great team.
There's no doubt we got whooped by a great time, but, you are right the defensive aspect of Plan A J-Mac. Too many times we see our entire backline up around the centre square, when we turn the ball over, the opposition runs hard into space, and we get caught out. But, we weren't the only ones on the weekend. St Kilda did it to the Swans, and a couple of other teams exploited this too. If we are going to push up in the manner that we do, we have to make sure that we are capable of running back hard enough to cover the opposition sprint. If not, we need to drop a couple of players back when we are on the extreme offensive.
Agree with both j-mac and Gimps. Fletch, Cale, and Tayte and are great when they have their backs to the defensive goal line - but when dragged up the ground and turned around they are lost. I have said for over a year that the balance isn't right - we just don't have an allround game that is dynamic (as in, flexible) enough to minimise damage when we are getting outplayed. If we don't fix it quick - don't be surprised to see us 1 and 5 after the Hawks game.
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Re: Sir James is right

Post by danstar84 »

tonysoprano wrote:
Gimps wrote:
j-mac31 wrote:If I can go back to the original thread topic, I think we need to have a stringer emphasis on defending in Plan A, so that we don't need to start worrying about Plan B.

I think Knights has the balance wrong right now. Or maybe we were just whooped by a great team.
There's no doubt we got whooped by a great time, but, you are right the defensive aspect of Plan A J-Mac. Too many times we see our entire backline up around the centre square, when we turn the ball over, the opposition runs hard into space, and we get caught out. But, we weren't the only ones on the weekend. St Kilda did it to the Swans, and a couple of other teams exploited this too. If we are going to push up in the manner that we do, we have to make sure that we are capable of running back hard enough to cover the opposition sprint. If not, we need to drop a couple of players back when we are on the extreme offensive.
Agree with both j-mac and Gimps. Fletch, Cale, and Tayte and are great when they have their backs to the defensive goal line - but when dragged up the ground and turned around they are lost. I have said for over a year that the balance isn't right - we just don't have an allround game that is dynamic (as in, flexible) enough to minimise damage when we are getting outplayed. If we don't fix it quick - don't be surprised to see us 1 and 5 after the Hawks game.
Cold turnover in the middle or CHF are the things that cause this. Our defenders push up to help out their team mates. When our skill level in terms of hitting targets is high, it will give them time to get back to the player they are marking. When we turnover the ball cold, they haven't got this time. I think this problem is moreso with the ability the keep the skill level consistently high. We improve this, and we greatly help out the defenders. As with a game style such as ours, there will be times when the forwards sneak goal side, it is inevitable.
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