Saying Sorry

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Post by MH_Bomber »

I sent this to the PM elect on Nov 28;
Dear Mr Rudd,

Firstly I must congratulate you on your emphatic victory that has swept Labor in victory in the 2007 Federal Election. It has truly been a long time between drinks for Labor and I look forward to more enlightened leadership after 11 1/2 years of gloom from the previous government.

I personally purchased badges, balloons and t-shirts to support the ALP campaign and was ecstatic at the victory.

Obviously the mechanics of transition to government are foremost on your mind, but can I offer a small word of advice from a rusted on Labor voter. The first acts your goverment must make must be bold, grand and incisive. As the nation has embraced the mood of change so too must your government. There is real feeling of hope for more compassion and intelligence from our government. Your vanquishment of the coalition gives YOU the mandate to make real changes. Some scribes during the campaign described Labor's policies as being Liberal-lite. I really hope to disagree with this descriptor. The Liberal Party is at this very moment distancing itself from its failed policies centering on greed and vilification that characterised the Howard years. This is your opportunity to drive home this spirit for change. Lets face it the strongest time of your mandate is now.

This discussion around the word "sorry" to the indigenous people must be cleared up. Please dont do a Howard and start quibbling about the use of this word. The word "sorry" is what indigenous people want to hear from your government. Contemporary Australian wealth is built on the illegal seizure of Aboriginal land and culture over the last two and a bit centuries. It is extremely important for proper reconcilliation to correctly ackowledge the wrongs of the past. It is only through this can we forge a future together as a united nation. A nation that has said sorry to those who it has wronged and who has been forgiven by those people wronged.

I have a personal memory of the disasterous outcome of white settlement in terms of the Tasmanian Aboriginals. When I was 16 my school had a school camp on Flinders Island in Bass Strait. This was the place where the last of the full blood Tasmanian aboriginals tried to be resettled by George Robinson. As we stood in a field we were informed this was a place where many unmarked graves of aboriginals lay. There was a palpable spiritual edge to the place that I will never forget. Its time for true justice for all our Australian family.

Best Regards

MH_Bomber's real name
They actually acknowledged the email and sent ;

Thank you for your congratulations and feedback to Mr Rudd.

It is very much appreciated and has been noted.

Yours sincerely,

David Williams
Director, Parliament
Office of Kevin Rudd
Federal Labor Leader

Howard and his black armed band taunt can go and get f-ed. Lets start right the wrongs and not only say the word SORRY but bloody well mean the word SORRY.
Menzie!! ❤️

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Post by ealesy »

Another doozy from Andrew Bolt this week once again denying the existence of the Stolen Generation but had a bet each way and suggested that the removal of any Aboriginal Children from their parents was for their own good.

He went as far to suggest that if we apologise to Indigenous Australia for that we should also apologise to any other Australian children that have been removed from their families by welfare authorities.

God that man is a complete and utter dickspank!! :(
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Post by grassy1 »

None of the STOLEN GENERATION Deniers could ever see the BLATANT HYPOCRISY in CHERRY PICKING our History.

Such events as GALLIPOLI fall under the NOTHING TO DO WITH US Category,yet there they go on ANZAC DAY,uttering a 2 Faced "Lest we forget!"
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Post by BenDoolan »

ealesy wrote:Another doozy from Andrew Bolt this week once again denying the existence of the Stolen Generation but had a bet each way and suggested that the removal of any Aboriginal Children from their parents was for their own good.

He went as far to suggest that if we apologise to Indigenous Australia for that we should also apologise to any other Australian children that have been removed from their families by welfare authorities.

God that man is a complete and utter dickspank!! :(
Well he's a rabid ranting right wing retard, pure and simple. However, the gutless arsehole would never deny the holocaust would he. Go on Mr Bolt, do it - deny the holocaust in your column....... ah that's right, it's far easier to pick on the weak minority.
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Post by keri »

I'm still hoping that Bolt is intentionally picking opinions he knows will be controversial. That it's all for readership.

Otherwise, I hate to think what his poor children will grow up like. How could you grow up normal with a father who actually thinks like that?
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Post by Essendon4eva »

BenDoolan wrote:
ealesy wrote:Another doozy from Andrew Bolt this week once again denying the existence of the Stolen Generation but had a bet each way and suggested that the removal of any Aboriginal Children from their parents was for their own good.

He went as far to suggest that if we apologise to Indigenous Australia for that we should also apologise to any other Australian children that have been removed from their families by welfare authorities.

God that man is a complete and utter dickspank!! :(
Well he's a rabid ranting right wing retard, pure and simple. However, the gutless arsehole would never deny the holocaust would he. Go on Mr Bolt, do it - deny the holocaust in your column....... ah that's right, it's far easier to pick on the weak minority.
I knew we would have at least one thing in common. A hatred for Mr. Bolt.
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Post by ealesy »

The right wing rabid lunatic Bolt was in fine form again today.

He was claiming that the story that came to light this week about the Queensland District Court Judge who handed out those pathetic "sentences" to the 9 young Aboriginal males for packing raping a 10 year old Aboriginal girl was due to crazy loopy left-wingers taking over the justice system.

Apparently the fact that there are people in the Justice system who believe in other sentencing options other than locking up Aborigines and throwing away the key are responsible for this miscarriage of justice.

Apparently the fact that there are attempts to cut the Aboriginal imprisonment rate by 50% in the coming years is the reason for these sentencing decision.

Apparently if you are an Aboriginal, the Queensland legal system is now intent on keeping you out of jail.

How do you figure Bolty?? Just how over-represented are Indigenous Australians in the prison systems in this country. How is it that now we are looking at imprisonment as the last option instead of the first option for Indigenous Australians, a bad thing??!!

Were has any "crazy loopy left wing liberal" ever suggested that anyone of any race or religion should not be imprisoned for a vicious gang rape of a 10-year-old girl.

I cannot believe he has tried to use this massive miscarriage of justice as an opportunity to spread his particular brand of insidious propaganda.
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Post by keri »

He's a right-wing cocksucker, of course he'll use it as a reason why the left is responsible for all the evils of the world - oh, and we're both intellectual eltists AND idiots.

As I said, I'm hoping it's all for readership.
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Post by keri »

That's what I'm fervently hoping, Filthy.
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Post by BenDoolan »

Andrew Bolt is an extreme fascist c***. He is the biggest racist in this country. He has no regard for aboriginies and complete contempt for muslims.

I saw the gutless c*** the other day and I took a photo of him......

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Post by keri »

I like to think he's a bastard because he's a bastard, not because of where he came from. That makes it seem as if there is some possible mitigating excuse for the fetid piece of bile he has become, and there isn't.
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Post by Royza »

Filthy wrote:
keri wrote:He's a right-wing cocksucker, of course he'll use it as a reason why the left is responsible for all the evils of the world - oh, and we're both intellectual eltists AND idiots.

As I said, I'm hoping it's all for readership.
Keri & Ealsey....I wonder if the vile utterances of the Bolts, Akermans and Jones' of this world are written to be so offensive that its only purpose is to sell newspapers and increase ratings to illicit proper enraged utterances and responses from people like us?

Or is that too cynical? :roll:
No, that's probably correct. What are social commentators experts on exactly anyway? Speaking crap? What else? If I wrote an opinion piece in the Hun, for example, on why spending an extra hr in the shower was beneficial to the environment & then provide misleading facts. What response would you get? Guaranteed, you'd get shitloads of people enraged & giving yourself publicity. As well as this, you'd get shitloads of arseholes who'd agree with you, because it'd fit their lifestyle & attitude.
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Post by grassy1 »

I'm HARD LEFT(JACKBOOTED)from time to time.

I don't care what anyone else thinks,but the RINGLEADERS should have got 20+ YEARS for that BULLSHIT !

Any others 5 Years DETENTION in Juvenile Justice or 10 Years in Adult Prison.There is SIMPLY NO EXCUSE for what they DID!

This isn't Judgement on what race they come from.It is a JUDGEMENT on the CONTENT of their CHARACTER and to me,they STAND VERY LOW in my book.
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Post by grassy1 »

I'd comment on the DRINK DRIVING DISGRACE in PERTH if I could.

But I'm sure you guys heard about the TWIT who went down the WRONG side of the KWINANA FREEWAY,PISSED AS A FART,5 Times over the Limit on initial tests.

There's a Young lady,same age who had ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE.He survived,she didn't !
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Post by The Man from Bomberland »

Despite my dislike for Adams I did read the article a few days ago and he made some good points. I politely disagree with him though on many points. I'm glad John Howard finally saw the light and realised there is clearly a place for symbolism when it comes to solving the plight of many aboriginees in this country. I just think practical measures are more important and should be the priority. Kevin Rudd seems to see it that way too. The thing is without that symbolism I think we could be flogging a dead horse.

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Post by grassy1 »

That last Sentence should stir up the WHITE SUPREMECISTS a bit.
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Post by dom_105 »

It is no doubt a fine line we tread.

While I think it is important, even essential, that Rudd says sorry on behalf of the Australian Government, it must be more than just symbolism.

Because it is the actions, rather than the words, which are going to make a difference in the day to day life of Aboriginal people. Saying sorry won't make a hell of a difference if there is not a plan to move forward to improve the situation that some Aboriginal people find themselves in.
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Post by The Man from Bomberland »

dom_105 wrote:It is no doubt a fine line we tread.

While I think it is important, even essential, that Rudd says sorry on behalf of the Australian Government, it must be more than just symbolism.

Because it is the actions, rather than the words, which are going to make a difference in the day to day life of Aboriginal people. Saying sorry won't make a hell of a difference if there is not a plan to move forward to improve the situation that some Aboriginal people find themselves in.
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Post by swoodley »

The Man from Bomberland wrote:
dom_105 wrote:It is no doubt a fine line we tread.

While I think it is important, even essential, that Rudd says sorry on behalf of the Australian Government, it must be more than just symbolism.

Because it is the actions, rather than the words, which are going to make a difference in the day to day life of Aboriginal people. Saying sorry won't make a hell of a difference if there is not a plan to move forward to improve the situation that some Aboriginal people find themselves in.
Nor will it make a difference if Aboriginal people don't make the effort to help themselves.
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Post by grassy1 »

That was the problem in one particular well known incident up north,Swood.They DID Help themselves.
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